Romanian Grocery Retail – For all our readers abroad, these are the most important news from Romanian Grocery Retail Market, in June 2018, provided by the, the most read B2B online publication in Romania from retail & FMCG niche.
PREMIUM: Kaufland Romania remains the leader in retail in Romania in 2017 by turnover, year in which Profi maintains the retailer state with the highest percentage growth year by year, according to Ministry of Finance in 2017.
Retail-FMCG magazine made the sixth episode of the periodic analysis about the presence in social media of the retaileri in Romania (FMCG).
Kaufland Romania opened its first summer hipermarket in a tent on the beach, in Mamaia Nord, Constanta, reaching 119 units.
Credit foto: Shutterstock
Carrefour Romania introduced an innovator product in the country – 100% biodegradable bags, a solution for the elimination of plastic bags.
REWE Romania opened two new Penny Market stores in Turda and in Mangalia and the national network has 225 opened stores.
Lidl Romania opened two new stores in Bucharest and Brasov, reaching 227 units.
Auchan Retail Romania opened the first La Masă Auchan restaurant in Auchan Baia Mare.
Mega Image continued to sustain an important social cause: blood donation. Also, the retailer opened the first supermarket in Timisoara on blvd. 16 Decembrie 1989, nr. 71.
Farmec, the biggest Romanian cosmetic producer, opened a new Gerovital store in Oradea.
Lidl Tour turns 2 years in Romania, a period that had 15.000 clients who used the online store for holidays.
CBRE, global and national leader in real estate consultancy market, announced the first conclusions about the evolution of the retail market in 2018.
Coca-Cola Romania launched AdeZ, a new range of beverages based on plant’s seeds, like almonds, rice and soybeans. Also, the producer was recognized as the most responsible company in the country.
Simultan SRL received the opinion of Competition Counsel to acquire the licence to produce and commercialize under „La Dorna” label from Lactalis Group.
In June it was launched Laptaria cu Caimac, a new producer on specialty dairy products, 100% romanian, integrals, natural and minimum processed.
Cosmetic Plant, one of the main local cosmetic producers, finished last year with a turnover of aprox. 11,1 millions lei (2,4 mil euro) and targets to overcome 12,2 mil lei by the final of the year 2018 (2,6 mil euro).
Dorna, in partnership with Save the Children Romania, launched a new challenge to its consumers in Care for a child campaign.
HEIDI launched Colors of Summer limited edition, through which every chocolate has a unique design, manually made that combines two types of chocolate.
Henkel brings in Romania the Swedish cosmetic brand Barnängen, with authentic and delicate products.
PepsiCo and Impact Hub Bucharest launched ReUse Hub program, in which invites start-ups from Romania to propose innovative recycling solutions and reducing the the impact of waste.
URBB registered an annual rate of sales growth to beer cans of 38 % after the first 5 months of 2018.
Gelato Madre rediscovers the essence of taste and gives the consumers a unique experience, being a range that has been born out of the idea of a product that brings us back to its origins.
Cris-Tim launched a transparency initiative of sausage industry and became the first brand that has the percentage of meat on the packages of over 80 % of the products.
Nestle Health Science launched in Romania OptiFibre, a new product, 100% vegetable origin, based on soluble fiber with prebiotic effect, that helps on intestinal transit.
With a history of 150 years, Pfeifer & Langen company, the third biggest sugar producer and distributor from Germany, present now in 11 european states, produces and distributes Diamant sugar.
Herbamare brand, the only salt with herbs that contains just fresh and natural ingredients, combined with sea salt and seaweed, comes in our market through CCS TRADE company, only importer and distributor in Romania.
The communication campaign, ”Love Stadium”, made by Minio Studio agency and Durex Romania, was also implemented in Bulgary and Serbia.
Lavazza, the famous italian coffee company, together with Coca-Cola HBC Romania, launched a new training center in Bucharest, Romania.
Alexandrion Group, leader in production and distribution of the alcoholic drinks in Romania, announced the conclusion of an agreement in New York state, for the opening of the first distillery in the United States in Mid-Hudson state, Putnam county.
Given that the global retail market has all the chances to change in the next 5 years more than it changes in the last 50 years, the tomorrow’s retailer will be more influenced by the consumer’s behavior, needs and requests, and one of the challenges for a retailer is and will be the management of the cash in the stores.
Cloud Computing services, which internet users try to access information and stocked application on external servers, are used by 7% of the companies in Romania, country which, along with Bulgary, has the lowest percentage in Europe, and the average of usage is 21%, according to Eurostat.
Mastercard launched AI Express, a service that helps companies to develop an adapted artificial intelligence model, to answer to real business issues and to be implemented quickly.
With 42% of the companies that have a presentation website, with 33% of employees that use their computer or 7% of the companies that sell the products online, Romania is on the last place in EU regarding the level of digitization, according to a study made by Valoria., the marketing platform for e-commerce, launched a new functionality, Odin, that allows online shops to work with their collaborators, using infrastructure with a 5 times lower price.
The accelerated extension of retail determined a dramatic evolution of deposits market in Romania, according to the analyze made by Sinziana Pardhan, Managing Director at P3 in Romania.
PayPoint Romania, the main payment operator in cash and electronic through retail points, announced the the new Operations Manager, Mihaela Pavel.
RadioSparx, the most complex instore music service in Romania, offers full and accessible solutions for store music, without the obligation to pay the taxes to the collective management companies.
Bento, specialized company in development of the software applications, implemented at Canah the Bento Food Manufacturing solution.
In the next few years, the intelligent packaging solutions based on digital codes will redefine the food shopping online and offline, according to Tetra Pak Index 2018 report.
Starting with July, Bogdana Gheorghe will be the new General Manager of RetailZoom.
The volume of retail value in Romania grown in April 2018 with 6,7% compared to April 2017, according to INS.
Consumers put the highest price on convenience and satisfying their expectations is essential in adopting a conversational commerce, according to the Is anybody there? Giving Conversational Commerce a voice study conclusion, made by Mastercard.
Six Member States recorded AIC per capita about 30% or more below the EU average. Estonia, Latvia and Romania were around 30% below, while Hungary and Croatia had AIC per capita just under 40% below the EU average and Bulgaria was 45% below.
According to the study made by Euler Hermes, the global leader in commercial credit assurance, the logistic sector has a favorable period of the private consume growth.
Samsung, Coca-Cola and Lidl take the first three positions in Top Social Brands 2018, followed in Top 10 by Avon, Vodafone, KFC, Banca Transilvania, Telekom, McDonalds and Orange.
DAAS International Group, leader in commercial cold market, sustained the second conference dedicated to retail industry and had the following subject: the impact of the technology on the consumer’s behavior.
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