Romanian FMCG Retail – For all our readers abroad, these are the most important news from Romanian FMCG Retail Market and FMCG industry, in December 2022, provided by, the most read B2B publication in online, in Romania, from retail & FMCG niche.
SAVE THE DATE: The second edition of EXPO RETAIL – Digital, Green & Tech, the only B2B exhibition from Romania dedicated to technology, equipment and services for retail, eCommerce and the FMCG industry, will take place between 25-26th of October 2023, in Bucharest.
Retail – PENNY
PENNY, one of the most active retailers in Romania, continued its plan of expansion in Romania by opening 13 new stores in December and a total of 36 stores in 2022. Thus, the PENNY network reaches a number of 336 stores in Romania.
Mercedes-Benz Trucks & Buses Romania gave to the company Step One Spedition an electric truck eActros 300 to be tested in real conditions of traffic and for the distribution operations of PENNY Romania.
Retail – Lidl
Lidl continued the investment in Romania by opening a new store in Adjud, Vrancea district, on 5th of December, a new store in Botosani on 12th of December, a new store in Tarnaveni, Mures district, on 15th of December.
Lidl Romania continued to support the local economy by increasing the quantity of Romanian products at shelves: the volume of Romanian fruits and vegetables acquired by the retailer increased with over 8% than the last financial year, a total quantity that overcame 129.098 tones in the entire year.
Retail – Kaufland
Kaufland continued the expansion in Romania by opening the third store in Ilfov, in Domnesti, and a store in Craiova, reaching a national network of 160 hypermarkets.
Continuing the objective to become the first recycling destination, Kaufland Romania launched a campaign of collecting textiles in its stores from Bucharest and surroundings.
Kaufland Romania was named as „The most transparent and performant company for sustainability”, after communicating the economic, social and environmental impact and the registered performance for sustainability.
Retail – Carrefour
Carrefour Romania maintained the presence in Suceava district of the discount store network Supeco, by reopening the store with the most advantageous location for clients. Also, carrefour Romania extended the presence in Craiova by opening the second Supeco store.
Carrefour Romania extended the surface of the supermarket format, by opening three new Market stores in Bucharest, Iasi and Husi, reaching 188 Market units at national level and over 380 stores.
Carrefour Romania reached 138 Express units at national level, by opening 18 stores in the second half of the year.
Retail – Auchan
On 8th of December took place the opening of the new Auchan supermarket, located in Family Market Bucium complex in Iasi, this being the second such project of retail developed by IULIUS company.
Auchan Romania published the second Sustainability Report of the company that contains quality and quantity data about the non-financial performances, its activity impact in the community and its results in 2021.
Retail – PROFI
PROFI, Romanian network of modern retail with over 1.600 own and partner stores, consolidated the partnership on long term with Logicor, European leader in the development and management domain of logistics projects, through and agreement of extension of the renting contract for the premium deposit space of almost 52.000sqm from the Logistic Park Logicor Ploiesti.
A Profi store from Targoviste and two from Gaesti joined the program Local Goods Shelf, a program created by Profi, Romanian network of modern retail, to support local artisans.
PROFI opened 18 stores in December 2022, opening almost 100 stores this year.
Retail – cora
cora Romania, present on the local market with an omnichannel business that includes 10 hypermarkets, the eCommerce platform, and 8 proximity stores cora urban, consolidated the eCommerce operations by expanding the delivery service at national level,
Retail – other retailers
One of three Romanian clients finishes the visit in Duty-Free location type with an acquisition and one of two of them declare that visits these spaces when they travel, both percentages being over the European media, according to Lagardère Travel Retail.
Dorna, the first brand of natural mineral water in Romania bottled in 100% rPET package, announced the results registered in the campaign ”Water that takes care of water”.
The story of the products of Mirdatod Prod SRL and of the brand Lactate de Ibanesti, a family business being at the second generation, that functions with 100% Romanian private capital for almost three decades, has its source in recipes with old tradition for the natural dairy production, raw milk products.
For Serpico Trading, the company with 100% Romanian capital, the owner of brands and distributor of international labels in FMCG industry, 2022 was a year in which the adaptability to the market context, the rapidity in reactions, the understanding in the business environment made the difference and managed to increase the market share with almost 19% than in 2021.
Farmec, the biggest Romanian producer of cosmetics, named Vasile Ungurean as Sales Manager of the company.
Liliac, the wine cellar from Batos, Mures district, that keeps young the spirit from Transilvania thorugh its wines, sold, until the final of November, 383.000 bottles of wine, a number close to the total sales of 2021.
Food Service
After successfully testing the market in Romania, the Croatian brand Submarine Burger extended the business on the fast-casual local market by opening three restaurants in Bucharest.
Premier Restaurants Romania, the operator of the restaurants market McDonald’s in Romania, extended the national network by opening the 95th restaurant in Targu Jiu. The annual campaign of crowdfunding McHappy Day, developed by McDonald’s in Romania, for the Foundation for Children Ronald McDonald, successfully finished.
Popeyes Romania finished the year with good news for the fans: on 15th of December opened the sixth restaurant in Orhideea Commercial Center in Bucharest.
In the context of accelerated inflation and raising of utility prices, Glovo launched Glovo Local, a new program for small and medium enterprises in the retail and restaurants industries that support their digitization. Glovo, developed a partnership with the Argentinian brand Franui for the Romanian market, users having the possibility to order this exclusive sweet snack through Glovo Express.
eMAG launched the Card with millions of ideas, that can be offered with every occasion, at Holidays or for an event like marriage and christening.
The digital commerce market registered a slower rhythm of growth in 2022 compared to other years, but also became more competitive, in the context in which more stores are created or moved in the virtual environment. Bringo, the first online e-grocery in the country, made improvements on the platform.
Gemma Webb was named as CEO and President of the Directorate of RetuRO sistem Garantie Returnare S.A., the company that was named as the administrator of the Guarantee-Return System in Romania.
FEPRA, one of the main companies in the sector of taking over the producer’s responsibility in Romania, offered the Guide for minimizing the penalty risk in 2023 and explained how to choose your OIREP to reach the recycling objectives.
Recicleta, cargo tricycle with the role as authorized collector of recyclable, a program of Viitor Plus, needed help.
Robot Industries, one of the leaders in the domain of solutions of robotics and automation in Romania, implemented in 2022, in premiere in the biggest networks of retail in the country, more robotized projects of self-checkout with assistant robots and cleaning, with robots from the range #Ecobot.
FAN Courier estimated that will finish the year with a market share of 225 millions euro, increased with 10% than the last year, being a year full of challenges and uncertainties.
Cargus, one of the main players in the courier industry in Romania, estimated a growth with 13% of the delivered volumes in 2022, than last year. Cargus continues to invest in the development of courier services, even if we talk about the development of the lockers infrastructure and of click & collect point under the brand Cargus SHIP & GO, about investments in deposits, processing equipment, staff training, digitization and expansion of the business in other countries.
1st of December 2022 was the date at which the absorption fusion between GreenFiber International and GreenTech S.A started to produce effects, integrating the operations of the two companies in the recycling industry, both part of GreenGroup.
After the pandemic period, in which it had an unprecedented boom of online sales in Romania, in 2022, the ecommerce market registered an slower growth rate, being dominated by tendencies of resettlement in sales and buying on the part of Romanian consumers, showed an analysis with main conclusions of some of the most important suppliers of solutions for digital commerce.
In November 2022, in grocery retail in Romania were opened 51 stores, in this account entering just the stores opened and officially released by the retailers.
In December 2022, in grocery retail in Romania were opened 49 stores, in this account entering just the stores opened and officially released by the retailers.
The eCommerce is gaining momentum in Romania both at urban and rural level, where registered an increase in 2022 that reduced the traditional gap between village and city.
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