Romanian FMCG Retail – The most important news from March 2023

Romanian FMCG Retail – For all our readers abroad, these are the most important news from Romanian FMCG Retail Market and FMCG industry, in March 2023, provided by, the most read B2B publication in online, in Romania, from retail & FMCG niche.

The second edition of EXPO RETAIL – Digital, Green & Tech, the only B2B exhibition from Romania dedicated to technology, equipment and services for retail, eCommerce and the FMCG industry, that will take place between 25-26th of October 2023, in Bucharest, announced the first partners and exhibitors of the event.

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Retail – Lidl


Starting with May 2023, Maria Mihai will take over the role of Communication and CSR Manager of Lidl Romania from Cristina Hanganu, that owned this role since 2016.

Lidl continued the investments in Romania and opened a new store in Bucharest, reaching 352 stores.

Lidl Romania continued the series of measures for improving the transport activity, by installing the first electric fast charge truck station and the first CNG station, both at the logistics warehouse fron Fundeni.

Retail – Profi

Profi expanded the range „Raftul cu Bunatati Locale”, as a big program to support small local producers in the Profi Super stores from Bistrita, Beclean and Nasaud and in the Profi stores from Alba Iulia, Sebes and Aiud.

Profi opened 7 stores in March 2023, reaching a national network of 1660 stores. Also, the retailer exceeded 1100 Partner stores.

Retail – Auchan

Auchan launched a new store concept and the Auchan Ploiesti and Auchan Timisoara Calea Sagului hypermarkets became Auchan Discount where clients have over 15.000 products with small prices every day.

Retail – PENNY

PENNY, one of the most active retailers in Romania, extended its network and opened a new store in Campulung, Arges district, reaching 339 units.

Retail – other retailers

The portofolio of Lagardère Travel Retail has a new brand: Pizza La Mia Stazione that opened in Kaufland Basarabiei, in Bucharest.

Square 7 Properties, in partnership with the Belgian investments fund Mitiska REIM, opened on 30th of March Giurgiu Shopping Park.


Grupo Bimbo, the biggest company of bakery in the world, with the central headquarters in Mexico, entered Romanian market by acquiring Vel Pitar and expanding its global presence to 34 countries.

The interests of local producers and farmers from the agri-food supply chain and of the consumers will be more protected through a regulation approved recently by the Government. This one forbids a series of contractual clauses and establishes the procedures of investigation and resolution of complaints about the unfair practices of the biggest traders, but also about the fines for breaking the law, according to the Competition Council.

AGROSEL, the market leader in Romania in the Home Gardening seeds segment and one of the most important producers of Home Gardening seeds in Eastern Europe, continues to count on increasing exports and to expand into new markets in Central and Eastern Europe, having the potential and capacity to become one of the main suppliers for vegetable and flower seeds in this region.

Cramele Recas joined Timisoara, as the main partner of the Cultural Capital of Europe, to make from the Banat capital in 2023 a memorable experience for artists, culture promoters, tourists and art lovers.

To find out what are the increasing factors and on what are the players counting on the Health & Wellness products category in the next period, we talked with Adelina Pasat, co-founder and Commercial Manager of Nutrivita Marketing and Distribution, a company that sells in Romania the brand Isostar, one of the main players on the market of sport nutrition products and the first European brand launched on the market since 1977.

After the best year on the company, TRANSAVIA, the biggest producer of chicken meat in Romania, predicts the strengthening of the position on national and international markets through big investments in expansion and improvement of the operations and through acquisitions of new players on the market.

Ursus Breweries launched Peroni Nastro Azzurro Stile Capri – a beer with a small amount of alcohol (4.2%) and that keeps the quality of Peroni Nastro Azzurro.

The Competition Council started three investigations about the possible understandings of establishing the prices on the production market of sunflower oil, butter and sugar.

Food Service

Sphera Franchise Gorup, the holding that owns the company that administrates in franchise system the KFC brand on the local market, extended the restaurants network and marked a premiere, opening the first units from gas stations in Pecica and Orastie, through a partnership with Rompetrol. Also the company opened a new KFC restaurant in Girugiu.

The food services industry decreased with 4% in 2022, until 5.44 billions euro, showed the most recent study of Hospitality Culture Institute.


Starting with 1st of March, Freshful by eMAG expanded its delivery service to almost 150.000 households (over 320.000 consumers) from Ploiesti and other 22 cities from Ilfov.

The Romanian eCommerce sector reached 6.3 billions euro at the end of 2022, a little over the value registered in 2021 (6.2 billion euro), according to GPeC, ARMO and other main players on the market.

After three years of substantial investments in technology and infrastructure for services and in growing the products range through Marketplace sellers, eMAG named Irina Pencea as General Manager of eMAG Romania.


RetuRO Sistem Garantie-Returnare S.A., the administrator of the Guarantee-Return System (SGR), announced that until 28th of February 2023 over 55.000 economic operators activated their user accounts on the online platform.


Gun Media, the digital agency specialized on eCommerce segment, celebrated recently 10 years. Gun Media is a complete digital marketing agency, oriented to eCommerce clients, capable to assure all services network from strategy, social media, content marketing, SEO, pay per Click and E-mail Marketing, based on data and performance indicators. About the anniversary and the audit of the 10 years of activity, about the market and its challenges, the trends of eCommerce market of which the company is specialized and about many other things we talked with Robert Trandafir, CEO Gun Media, who estimates that, this year, will take place an acceleration from local online retailers to sell to other markets in Europe.

Blik, leader on the Poland market of payment systems, launched in Romania, the second biggest market in Central and eastern Europe.

Sameday offered to the online sellers and clients the service to return to the easybox.

CTP, the biggest owner, developer and administrator of industrial and logistics spaces in Europe, acquired a portfolio of over 100.000 sqm from FM Logistic, one of the most important companies of services for the supply chains in Europe.


In March 2022, in grocery retail in Romania were opened 29 stores, in this account entering just the stores opened and officially released by the retailers.


The online sales of flowers increased with over 2 times than a normal month in march, according to ARMO – The Romanian Association of Online Stores.


The event European Digital Commerce (EDC), hosted by VTEX and Amazon Web Services, will take place on 4th of May 2023 at Marriott Hotel in Bucharest.

Bucharest Tech Week, the festival that transforms Bucharest every year in the international capital of technology, will take place on 22-28th of May at NORD Events Center by Globalworth and Romexpo, B1 Pavilion.

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Un comentariu la „Romanian FMCG Retail – The most important news from March 2023”

  1. Foarte interesante stiri din domeniul Retail & FMCG din Romania! Joaca un rol important in modernizarea si dezvoltarea sectorului si incurajeaza producatorii locali. Este bine sa vedem companii mari precum Grupo Bimbo care intre in piata romaneasca, precum si un contur puternic de initiative de sustenabilitate si responsabilitate sociala. Merita urmarit!

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