Romanian FMCG Retail – For all our readers abroad, these are the most important news from Romanian FMCG Retail Market and FMCG industry, in February 2024, provided by, the most read B2B publication in online, in Romania, from retail & FMCG niche.
EXPO RETAIL 2024 – Digital, Green & Tech, the third edition of the professional fair dedicated to technology, equipment, solutions and services for retail, eCommerce and FMCG industry, that will take place on 25th and 26th of September 2024 at Polytechnic University of Bucharest, on 1500 sqm and almost 50 available stands, announced the first partners and exhibitors. The B2B exhibition gathers in these two days in the same place exhibitors from Romania and other countries, acquisition specialists and other professionals in the industry.
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EXPO PET 2023 – Food & Accessories, the first B2B exhibition with products from food and accessories for pets categories in Romania, that will take place on 26th-27th of June 2024, the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, announced new partners and exhibitors.
Retail – METRO
In 2023, METRO Romania continued to develop a multichannel business model, maintained the investments in digitizing and in remodeling and modernization of some stores and reached to cross the threshold of 2000 LadoiPasi stores, the franchise stores network launched and developed by the cash & carry retailer at national level. About these strategic directions made by METRO in 2023, but also about the plans for 2024, we talked with company’s representatives.
Retail – Carrefour
Carrefour Group named Gilles Ballot as Chief Executive Offices in Carrefour Romania starting with 12th of February 2024. Also, the retailer announced its financial results for 2023, and in Romania had a growth of 7% of the market share each year, reaching the second place in Europe on the like-for-like growth.
Retail – Mega Image
Mega Image started a big rearrangement and modernization process of stores and deposits that already reached an investment of 25 millions euro.
Retail – Kaufland
Kaufland Romania opened a store in Viseu de Sus city, Maramures district, a store in Constanta, a store in Zalauand one in Militari Residence, Bucharest, reaching 177 stores at national level.
Retail – PENNY
PENNY Romania continued its accelerated expansion and opened the first store in 2024, in Moinesti city, of Atelierelor street, no. 6, Bacau district, reaching 377 units in Romania.
Retail – Auchan
With the first edition of the Convention of Auchan Branches, an event that reunited on 27th of February tenths of Romanian agri-food producers, the retailer presented the evolution of the project of branches in the last 5 years, the main pillars and the development plans for the future.
Danone Romania finished an investment of 1 million euros in the purchase and installation of photovoltaic panels, that will assure 20% of electric energy consumption of the factory from Bucharest.
The company from Cluj Managis, the national importer and distributor of food products and ecological cosmetics, presented its balance sheet for 2023 and set the objectives for 2024.
PepsiCo, one of the leaders of the food products and beverages industry, announced a change of the name for one of the most popular refreshing beverages from its portfolio: Pepsi Max became Pepsi Zero Sugar. Also, the producer named Alexandra Ristariu as Organized Trade Director.
The wine industry in Romania continued its growth, with over 50 new wine cellars authorized in the last 10 months, according to ONVPV data, analyzed by Wines of Romania.
Kormotech, the Ukrainian producer of pet food, extended its distribution channels in Romania, signing in February an agreement with Sezamo, the online supermarket that became the first online platform in Romania in which Kormotech company is present with its products.
Lay’s, the no.1 partner of snacking for Romanians, launched the first campaign of reconciliation for movie-cheaters and the super-show „Forgive me, I watched it without you”, with Theo Rose, who, along with Lay’s, tries to reconcile a group of friends and has an unpleasant plot-twist: someone betrayed the promise of movies seen together.
Sezamo online supermarket announced that 75% of shopping baskets of its clients contain at least one bread and pastry product.
Carrefour Romania, the French omnichannel retailer with the biggest footprint of local suppliers, signed a strategic partnership with Tazz, the only Romanian platform for quick delivery, that aims the hypermarket network from 24 cities in the country.
IMSOL company, the integrator of technological solutions for retail, offers many apps in domains like security, operational and digital, but also complete services: from projection and conception of solutions based on specific needs, until implementation, installation and putting them into operation.
LPR – La Palette Rouge, the European leader in the domain of pallets reuse in retail & FMCG industry, stands out by its pallets quality and the exceptional services offered to its clients.
SyndiFi, the platform that offers access to real estate investment, was launched in Romania and estimates that it will have a portfolio of commercial projects of over 40 millions euro at the end of the year 2024.
In January 2023, in grocery retail in Romania were opened 4 stores, in this account entering just the stores opened and officially released by the retailers.
According to the monitorization analysis made by mediaTRUST between 1st and 31st of January 2024, Profi, la supermarkets and proximity stores network in Romania, owned by Ahold Delhaize, occupied the first position based on the number of broadcast spots and on the ads investment volume. Kaufland was placed on second place and Carrefour on the third place.
In Romania, for the first tine in almost 2 years the volumes of FMCG market are not anymore decreased in Q4 2023, according to NielsenIQ.
The most business types that are expanding internationally are in HoReCa and retail, and recently in services sector, according to Franchwise, the biggest consultancy company of internal and external franchising in Romania.
The household costs for FMCG increased with almost 14% in 2023 than last year, and the acquired volumes of households increased (+2.3%), on the fund of tempering inflation in this sector – showed the date of Consumer Panel Services GfK Romania.
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Publicația reprezintă platforma ideală pentru a vă promova produsele sau serviciile. Mai multe detalii, AICI. a lansat platforma online B2B Meetings, locul de întâlnire al cererii cu oferta de echipamente, tehnologii și servicii pentru retail. B2B Meetings conectează companiile de retail cu potențialii furnizori de servicii pentru retail
In 2023, METRO Romania a continuat sa dezvolte un model de afaceri multicanal, a facut investitii in digitalizare si in remodelarea si modernizarea magazinelor, ajungand la peste 2000 de magazine LadoiPasi, reteaua de francize lansata si dezvoltata de acest retailer de cash & carry la nivel national. Despre aceste directii strategice ale METRO in 2023, dar si despre planurile pentru 2024, am discutat cu reprezentantii companiei.