Romanian FMCG Retail – For all our readers abroad, these are the most important news from Romanian FMCG Retail Market and FMCG industry, in January 2023, provided by, the most read B2B publication in online, in Romania, from retail & FMCG niche.
SAVE THE DATE: The second edition of EXPO RETAIL – Digital, Green & Tech, the only B2B exhibition from Romania dedicated to technology, equipment and services for retail, eCommerce and the FMCG industry, will take place between 25-26th of October 2023, in Bucharest.
Retail – Profi
CTP, the biggest developer and administrator of logistic and industrial spaces in Romania, expanded the partnership with PROFI, the company with the biggest number of employees in Romania.
Profi, the retailer that owns the network with the biggest national coverage and with the many stores in Romania, presented the main achievements & figures in 2022.
PROFI opened 6 store in January 2023, reaching a national network of 1647 stores.
Retail – cora
On the 31st of December 2022, Thierry Destailleur, one of the oldest top managers in the local retail, finished its presidential mandate of the Administration Council of cora Romania, after 40 years of carreer in the cora Group, of which almost 20 years in the team of cora Romania.
Retail – Lidl
Lidl Romania and its clients continued to support the disadvantaged communities by collecting and donating 37.5 tons of food products, with over 70% than the last edition of the campaign.
Retail – Mega Image
Mega Image approached in 2022 more the threshold of 1.000 stores.
Retail – Auchan
Until 7th of February 2023, all Auchan hypermarkets in the country organised the traditional Coffee and Tea Fair, that reached this year the 11th edition.
Retail – Kaufland
Kaufland opened a new store in Rasnov, Brasov district, reaching a national network of 160 hypermarkets.
Retail – other retailers
The developers delivered last year almost 100.000 sqm of retail spaces, 80% representing retail parks, Bucharest, Timisoara, Pitesti, Turda, Baia Mare, Slatina and Miercurea Ciuc being some of the cities that benefit from the investment.
LACTALIS Group named Onur BARIM as General Manager of LACTALIS GROUP ROMANIA since 1st of January 2023.
Mateja Podgornik took over the role of Managing Director Romania and Slovenia in Mondelez International, since January 2023.
Starting with January 2023, Catalin Manoli, who was the Manager of the factory Danone Romania, took over the role of Manager of the factory Danone Aldaia, from Valencia.
The Romania Federation of Football and Bergenbier S.A. announced the signing of a new sponsorship agreement, the beer producer coming back after a pause of 4 years.
In terms of a 2022 year marched by many financial challenges, price increases and increased inflation, Genius service brought its users news to support them over the year to manage better their family budgets and to make economies.
Sezamo online supermarket, part of the European group Rohlik, made a step forward in its commitment for sustainability, for a healthier planet and perople, by doubling the range of plant-based products.
From shopping on any device until the delivery in the proximity of the home or office, the consumers prefer those solutions that offer mobility and freedom to plan the time as they want, a thing confirmed by an analysis made by eMAG on those over 8 millions clients that it has in the region, after closing the season of winter shopping.
Based on the accelerated development of new business verticals, eMAG group consolidated the management team and named Tudor Mihailescu as Chief Operating Officer (COO).
Wave Research, an independent agency of market research, presented the results of the most recent study about sustainability, made on Romanians.
RetuRO Sistem Garantie Returnare S.A., the administrator of the System of Guarrantee-Return (SGR), announced the producers, importers and sellers of beverages that it started the registration in the data base of the system, a preliminary stage of the system’s entry into operation, one of the most important projects of circular economy in Romania.
The international fintech myPOS finished 2022 with a considerable increase on the Romanian market.
FAN Courier, leader on the local market of courier and one of the most popular Romanian brands, founded in 1988 by Adrian Mihai, Neculai Mihai and Felix Patrascanu, celebrated 25 years of activity.
Curiera Transport Solutions entered the new year with a fleet of 100% electric cars, becoming the first courier company in Romania full eco-frindly.
Bolt, the super-app of mobility, consolidated its position as leader on the Romanian market in 2022 with services of ride-hailing, micromobility and delivery that it offers to the clients.
Sameday Group finished 2022 with an economical progress with 28% more than in 2021, reaching a market share that exceeds 800 millions lei.
Cargus subscriptions with included deliveries represent an efficient and preffered solution by e-commerce entrepreneurs: in 2022, over 3000 small and medium companies selected this product.
What were the most important events in the food retail in Romania in 2022, what were the main highlights of expansion and on what formats, what points were reached by the main food retailers on local market, what was their focus in a difficult year, partially marched by the functioning restrictgions of stores in the context of COVID and of the energetic crisis generated by the conflict from Ukraine, what important changes took place in the top management of some retailer. About all of these and other important considerationsyou can read in the analysis made by
The eCommerce market in Romania registered a slower pace of growth in 2022, than last years, but, also, became more competitive, as more stores are created or moved in online. Starting from this context, you can read in this article the most important events in the eCommerce Food Service market in Romania, in 2022, how have evolved the most important players and whats are the premises of this market in the next years.
To be present, as retailer, in Social Media is not something new in 2023, its a normality to maintain the communication with an important part of clients. To be active and to succeed to manage the communities in social networks and to be able to differentiate the message on each of them, represent the main challenges for retailers. This is the 10th episode of the analysis made periodically by about the presence in Social Media of the biggest food retailers (FMCG) in Rmania, last episode being made in February 2022.
What were the most important events in the FMCG industry in Romania in 2022, a year marched firstly by the increase of inflation and what were its effects. Also, in 2022, the FMCG industry met many changes in the top management of some companies from the industry.About all of them, read the analysis made by
Events continues in 2023 the series of business events, with over a decade of tradition.
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