Romanian FMCG Retail – For all our readers abroad, these are the most important news from Romanian FMCG Retail Market and FMCG industry, in January 2024, provided by, the most read B2B publication in online, in Romania, from retail & FMCG niche. launched EXPO RETAIL 2024 – Digital, Green & Tech, the third edition of the professional fair dedicated to technology, equipment, solutions and services for retail, eCommerce and FMCG industry, that will take place on 25th and 26th of September 2024 at Polytechnic University of Bucharest, on 1500 sqm and almost 50 available stands. The exhibition gathers in these two days in the same place exhibitors from Romania and other countries, acquisition specialists and other professionals in the industry.
Book a stand or acquire a partner package.
More details and personalized offer for partners at of Tel. +40720.120.456
EXPO PET 2023 – Food & Accessories, the first B2B exhibition with products from food and accessories for pets categories in Romania, that will take place on 26th-27th of June 2024, the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, announced new partners and exhibitors.
Retail – Profi
PROFI, the retailer that owns the network with the biggest national coverage and the most stores in Romania, opened 20 stores in December 2023, reaching 1707 stores.
PROFI opened 3 new stores in January 2024, reaching 1710 stores.
Retail – PENNY
În 2023, PENNY Romania continued in its expansion plan and finished the year with 376 stores in Romania.
Retail – Auchan
The 12th edition of the Big Fair of Coffee and Tea Auchan takes place between 17th of January and 6th of February in all Auchan hypermarkets, offering a varied and attractive range at small prices.
Retail – Carrefour
Supernova Group and Carrefour Romania continued the successful collaboration in Supernova Pitesti and the store will be modernized for a better shopping experience.
Retail – Lidl
Lidl continued the investment in Romania by opening a new store in Zalau, Salaj district, on 22nd of January, being the first store opened in 2024 and reaching 354 units.
PAG Private Equity, top alternative investment fund, agreed to acquire a majority package of control in Food Union Europe, an important supplier of ice cream and frozen products for consumers, present in six European countries.
AQUILA, leader in integrated services of distribution and logistics for FMCG market in Romania and Republic of Moldova, signed a preliminary agreement of transaction of 100% of the social parts of Parmafood Trading SRL and Parmafood Group Distribution SRL, some of the main distributing companies of FMCG.
Starting with 8th of January 2024, Roxana Tisaianu took over the position of General Manager of FrieslandCampina Romania from Ferenc Szecsko who managed the company in the last four years.
Safeway International is one of the 21st Romanian entrepreneurial companies that received „Best Managed Companies” Deloitte certification for managerial performance and became an example of good practices and national performance, consolidating the company status for the FMCG market.
Nicolae Oancea took over the position if National Sales Manager of Nutrivita in January 2024, one of the main players on the import and distribution market of diet and BIO products in Romania, to contribute at the business consolidation and development of new distribution channels.
Daimler Truck & Bus Romania continued the testing program of electric trucks in Romania and puts at the disposition of Cris-Tim an eActros electric truck, body chassis with refrigerated box, to be tested in daily operations of distribution.
Food Service
After in 2023 exceeded the limit of 500 opened coffee shops in Romania and registered a big growth of sales and market share, that reached 40 millions euro at the end of the year, 5 to go group targets for 2024 a total of 650 coffee shops and a market share of 50 millions euro, with an increase of 25% than in 2023.
After the significant evolution of the registered results in the last year in retail, 5 to go proposed the portfolio diversification on this domain and expansion of the available own label products for home consumption, by listing them in all the important networks of modern retail, in gas stations chains and in convenience stores.
eMAG launched Pet Shop, an online shop-in-shop with a wide range of products for pets.
Freshful by eMAG, the first 100% online hypermarket in Romania, reached a growth of over 119% of sales in 2023, the most shopped products being still water, parsley, bananas and green onion.
GUN Media agency, an important player in digital marketing domain, reported a market share of 4.5 millions lei, increased with 15% than last year, because of the consolidation of the relationship with the clients in portfolio, by launching an email marketing service and because of the investment in an integrated CRM with social media platforms.
Sameday, the first courier company in Romania that extended in other countries, finished 2023 with an increase of income of over 25%, exceeding 1 billions lei, because of the investment strategy and the expansion of the market share.
In December 2023, in grocery retail in Romania were opened 38 stores, in this account entering just the stores opened and officially released by the retailers.
This is the eleventh episode of analysis made periodically by about the presence in Social media of the biggest food retailers (FMCG) in Romania.
The developers delivered last year 11 retail parks, with a total of almost 215.000 sqm, a record level of the last 7 years, 60% of this surface representing retail parks, and Craiova, Alba Iulia, Arad, Bucharest, Giurgiu and Vaslui being some of the cities that benefited from this investments, according to Cushman & Wakefield Echinox.
Food retail in Romania was marched in 2023 by two important acquisitions, that will bring balance between the biggest players in the market: Ahold Delhaize, the owner of the store network Mega Image, took over the store network Profi, and Carrefour took over cora hypermarkets and cora Urban proximity stores. But what is the difference between these two big transactions on the local market of food retail and what’s next? About all of these, about the slightly unfavorable economic climate, about expansion and remodeling processes, and about the changes in modern retail that appeared last year, including here pet food retail, you can read in this article made by – a retrospective of food retail in Romania, in 2023.
About the competition Votat Produsul Anului, being at the 15th edition this year, about the advantages of using Votat Produsul Anului label and how does this recognition influence the consumer’s shopping decisions, we talked with Mihaela Paduraru – Country Manager Votat Produsul Anului Romania.
GPeC Winter School is the only series of intensive courses of E-Commerce and Digital Marketing in Romania that will take place exclusively online on Zoom between 7th and 10th of February 2024.
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