Romanian FMCG Retail – The most important news from December 2024

Romanian retail & FMCG market – For all our readers abroad, these are the most important news from Romanian retail & FMCG market, in December 2024, provided by, the most read B2B online publication, in Romania, from retail & FMCG niche.

EXPO RETAIL 2025 – Digital, Green & Tech, the fourth edition of the professional fair dedicated to technology, equipment and services for retail, e-commerce and FMCG industry, that will take place on the 24th-25th of September 2024, at the Polytechnic National University of Sciences and Technology of Bucharest, on a surface of 2.000 sqm and 50 available stands, announced its first partners and exhibitors.

Book a stand here: or acquire a partner package.

More details and personalized offers for partners at of tel. +40 720 120 456

EXPO PET 2025 – Food & Accessories, the second edition of the B2B exhibition with pet food and accessories in Romania, which will take place on the 19th – 20th of February 2025 at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest – ROMANIA, announced the first partners and exhibitors.

If you are a pet food and accessories producer or importer, book a stand here:

Personalized offers for partners at or tel. +40 720 120 456



retailRetail – Carrefour

Carrefour Romania reached 178 Express stores at national level in 2024, by opening 16 integrated stores and six franchise stores. The entire proximity network is served by 144 integrated stores (including the stores taken over following the acquisition of Romania Hypermarche – cora stores), and 34 franchised.

Retail – PENNY

PENNY Romania expanded its network with the inauguration of a new store store, located at 59 Ștrandului Street in Ploiești,  a new store in Timisoara and a store in Calafat, Dolj district.

Retail – Mega Image

The Competition Council has conditionally authorized the transaction through which Ahold Delhaize group (Mega Image) acquires Profi Rom Food (Profi stores).

Retail – Lidl

Lidl Romania continued to enhance the shopping experience for customers by expanding its digital services with the launch of an official WhatsApp channel.

Lidl continued the investment in the local market by opening three new stores in Vladimirescu, in Ramnicu Valcea and a store in Brasov.

Retail – Auchan

The network of proximity stores Simply by Auchan reached 10 stores in the first 6 months from launch, the most recent stores being opened in Pitesti and Buzau.

Retail – Kaufland

Kaufland Romania expanded its national network by opening a store in Moinesti, Bacau district, and a new store in Calarasi.

Kaufland Romania published the most recent Sustainability report of the company and the seventh for the local market, for the financial year 2023.

Retail – other retailers

Veranda Mall is one of the few malls and green buildings that are BREEAM certified in Romania, almost reducing its carbon footprint generated by energy consumption to zero.


Kormotech, the largest pet food producer in Ukraine, has been granted the status of Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) by Ukraine’s State Customs Service. This status gives the company priority in customs clearance, simplifies import and export processes, and thus enables faster delivery of products, including to Romania.

With a generous portfolio of wines, Produse Moldovenesti company brings in Romania for 18 years wines and distilled beverages from the Republic of Moldova.

Nespresso reaffirmed the commitment to sustainability by publishing a study of Life Cycle Assessment – research made by Quantis, that offers details about the environment by calculating the carbon footprint that a coffee cup has on the entire business network – from cultivating coffee beans to recycling the capsules.

Artesana, the leader of artisan dairies in Romania, finished the year 2024 with a market share estimated at 10.6 million euros, representing an increase of over 41% than the last year.

Bergenbier S.A., part of Molson Coors Beverage Company group, continued to develop strategic partnerships and signed a long-term collaboration with UNTOLD, one of the biggest festivals of music in the world.

AQUILA, the leader of integrated distribution and logistics services for the FMCG market in Romania and the Republic of Moldova, signed an agreement to acquire 100% of the social parts of KITAX Kft company, one of the most important five companies of distribution in its activity domain, with national coverage in Hungary.

Food Service

Burger King opened a new restaurant in Targu Jiu, in Shopping City Mall, and made an important step in its expansion plan in Romania.

5 to go, the biggest coffee shop network in Eastern Europe and the most accessed franchise in Romania, signed a strategic partnership with INVENIO Partners private equity fund and with Accession Capital Partners capital growth fund, both having big intern and international investment expertise.


At the end of this year, Glovo, the multi-category platform offering access to a wide variety of products, presented an analysis of Romanian consumer preferences in 2024. The platform announced the expansion of its services through Glovo Brands Ads, its own retail media solution designed to provide marketing departments with various online and offline promotion tools aimed at increasing in-app sales, enhancing user loyalty, or expanding the audience.

Tazz, one of the most important platforms of quick delivery in Romania, announced the top of the most sold products in the supermarket and stores categories.


Danubius Exim marked three decades of activity in the Romanian fiscal sector, strengthening its position as a leader and innovator in the field of cash registers and payment solutions.

Optimall SFA by AROBS continued to bring innovation in Romania’s distribution and production sector by consistently developing solutions dedicated to streamlining distribution and production businesses.

The food producers want to implement sustainable solutions in all their activities. A study made by Tetra Pak highlighted the significant changes in how the food industry sees this change.

In Romania, on the 8th of November, the number of transactions with Visa cards increased by 53.3% than on Black Friday 2023.

Update Advertising and Produktiva offers to retail & FMCG market a few solutions for personalized work clothes.


In November 2024, 34 stores was opened in local FMCG retail market.

E-commerce in Romania continues to grow accelerated, consolidating its essential role in the economy and in the daily life of consumers. publication have launched EXPO ELECTRO 2025 – Home Appliances & Electronics – the first B2B exhibition in Romania with products from home appliances and electronics categories, at the same time with EXPO DIY 2025 – Smart Green Home, but in a special zone, on 25th – 26th of June 2025, at National University of Sciences and Technology POLITECHNICA Bucharest.

Book a stand here: or acquire a partner package! 

More details and personalized offers for partners at or tel. +40720.120.456

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