Romanian FMCG Retail – The most important news from October 2022

Romanian FMCG Retail – For all our readers abroad, these are the most important news from Romanian FMCG Retail Market and FMCG industry, in October 2022, provided by, the most read B2B publication in online, in Romania, from retail & FMCG niche.

Between October 26 and 27, 2022, in Bucharest took place EXPO RETAIL 2022 – Digital, Green & Tech, the only B2B exhibition from Romania dedicated to technology, equipment and services for retail, eCommerce and the FMCG industry, an event organized by the business publication Here is the video story:

retailRetail – Auchan

Until the end of October, Auchan Romania developed a big awareness campaign on the impact of climate changes, proposing a series of initiatives that bring in the foreground the companies commitments from the Climate Plan 2030.

Until 25th of October, Auchan Romania marched the anniversary of 16 years of activity.

Opened in February 2022, the second logistic center of Auchan Romania, located in Calan, Hunedoara district, obtained the BREEAM certification (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assesment Methodology), that attests the guarantee of the sustainability and the reduced impact on the environment.

Retail – Lidl

Lidl Romania opened on 10th of October two new stores, one in Targoviste and one in Dorohoi, on 24th of October opened a store in Simleu Silvaniei and on 31st of October opened two stores in Oradea and in Bacau, reaching 343 stores.

Retail – Carrefour

Carrefour Romania participated  with the program „Opening Romanian Wine” at Milano Wine Week, one of the biggest international events dedicated to wine, following the main mission to put Romanian wine and local varieties on the international map of wine.

The campaign Paying with PET launched by Carrefour Romania is back in Bucharest for the send time this autumn.

Retail – METRO

METRO celebrated „Your Business Day”, a global initiative dedicated to entrepreneurs from the entire world.

Retail – Kaufland

Kaufland and Ultragreens, known as Microgreen Romania, launched the first unit of vertically agriculture in Romania, a production that will be totally sold in the retailers store.

Starting with 14th of October, Kaufland Romania, with the support of Reverse Logistic Group(RLG), started a big campaign to encourage recycling of electric and electronic equipment (DEEE).

Retail – Profi

in a Romania that search solutions to pass more easily over the peaks of energetic consume and over the accelerated increase of the price/mWh for two years, Profi stores found important resources of energy saving, with immediate effect and log term effect.

At Cluj, the first products from a big program initiated by Profi for supporting local artisan producers entered in the networks stores.

Profi, the retailer that owns the biggest national coverage and with the many stores in Romania, opened 11 stores in October 2022.

Retail – other retailers

AFI Europe company announced a series of plans that aim to reach ambitious targets about the sustainability of all its projects, significantly reducing carbon emissions, improvement of comfort and safety of its occupants and transforming its projects in SMART buildings, with a higher degree of access to technology.

50 cities, 8 airports, over 1000 jobs created at national level, 200 partners, almost 300 sales points and a portfolio with 6 brands ( Inmedio, SO!Coffee, Relay, 1Minute, Hub Convenience and Natoo): these are just a few of the highlights that define Lagardere Travel Retail in Romania, at the celebration of 25 years of presences on the local market.

Reff & Associates| Deloitte Legal offered legal assistance to the investment fund NEPI Rockcastle by taking over the participation owned by Carrefour in Ploiesti Shopping City.

The retail network Magazine DIANA opened a new store in Mihaesti, Valcea district.


ARPAC – The Romanian Association of Producers of Pets Food launched Nutrition HUB, the biggest nutrition material dedicated to the owners of cats and dogs and to the people who want to own a pet.

Unilever announced changes in the organizational strategy and announced Ramona parvescu as Head of Unilever Romania starting with October 2022.

TRANSAVIA, one the the finalists of the BVB program Made in Romania of this year, proposes an association platform for the most valuable and sustainable Romanian labels, to create content and new experiences for consumers.

Ciucas beer continued its mission to produce positive changes on the environment this year.

DOUGLAS, the main premium platform dedicated to the beauty and health zone in Europe, celebrated 15 years on the market of Romania, since the launch in Targu Mures in 2007.

Between 29 and 30th of October 2022, at NORD Events Center by Globalworth in Bucharest took place the Exhibition of Moldavian Wine, a thematic event organized by the National Ofiice of Vine and Wine (ONVV).

The program „A cleaner Romania starts at home” initiated by Procter & Gamble continued this autumn in partnership with Carrefour and Let’s Do It, Romania!.

Ioana Enache, business leader with a distinctive signature in Romanian business environment, is the new CEO of Sanovita.

Food Service

Popeyes Romania opened the fourth restaurant on 15th of October in the Commercial Center Drumul Taberelor.

Taco Bell, the restaurants network with products inspired from Mexican cuisine, part of Sphera Franchise Group, sold, in average, 1 taco per minute in the 5 years of activity on the local market.


WebWave is a platform in which the strong point, extremely important, is using the advanced graphic editor, because a pleasant shopping experience, navigating through online store, is traduced as the possibility for the client to make acquisitions and to recommend further to other potential clients your services.

Sameday, one of the main players on the courier market, exceeded 4000 active easybox lockers in Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria.

Sezamo online supermarket, part of the European group Rohlik, launched its services of e-groceries for the public, in Bucharest and in a part of Ilfov district, after an investment of 6 millions euro. Sezamo delivered in the testing period over 25.000 orders received from over 8.000 clients and was constructed based on the feedback from them., the first marketplace in Romania with flexible prices according to the quantity ordered, won the biggest prize at the Supermarket, Mall, Marketplace category at GPeC E-Commerce Proficiency, for the second year consecutively.


The Romanian performances for the Circular Economy are ones of the weakest from European Union, according to the public data analyzed by Clean Recycle, and until 2030, the private and public environment could pass gradually from Linear Economy to the sustainable development model, according to the National Strategy of Circular Economy.


Endava, British supplier of services of last generation technology, that has 10 delivery centers in Romania, and a global presence in Latin America, Australia, United Arabic Emirates, Central Europe, United Kingdom, Singapore and United States, named Roxana Circu as Regional Manager for commercial operations in Central Europe (Bulgaria, Republic of Moldova and Romania).

In tthe top of the most remarkable retail brands for digital experience offered to consumers are Kaufland, Lidl, eMAG, Carrefour, Altex, dedeman and Auchan.

Consumers will be able to return the packages made of PET, glass or metal, starting with 30th of November 2023, when in Romania will start the system of Guarantee – Return, according to the latest changes and additions made to Governmental Decision no. 1074/2021.

According to Daniel Cautis, managing partner of Dunwell, the increase in third trimester of the acquired industrial spaces in this year is considerable: 312.285 sqm in just 3 months, than 315.552 sqm in the first 6 months of this year.

Launched a year ago, in premiere on the local market, the mobile app for loyalty SPOT, developed and implemented by NEPI Rockcastle, the biggest investor and developer of commercial centers in the Central and Eastern Europe, exceeded 100.000 users and over one million scanned checks, in 17 commercial centers in which the app is available in Romania.

Canopy, one of the biggest performance marketing agencies in Romania, analyzed closely the behavior of the user in online environment about the interest for the Black Friday period.

TOMRA Norwegian company, the main global supplier of automatic systems of taking the packages of beverages, salutes the decision of Romanian Government to launch the System Guarantee-Return.

CTP, the biggest owner and developer of logistic and industrial spaces in Romania, finished the arrangement of the spaces dedicated to CTPark Bucharest North for Sezamo, part of the European group Rohlik., one of the biggest payment processors in Romania, partner with 9 banks on the local marker, integrated in its own platform Apple Pay to simplify the payment process in the online stores, being a premiere on the local market of online payments solutions.

FM Logistic Romania included in its fleet the first electric van, part of a program of sustainable development for 9 years, powering 2030.


In September2022, in grocery retail in Romania were opened 38 stores, in this account entering just the stores opened and officially released by the retailers.


On 18th of October took place the 10th edition of the annual event of the beer industry „Beer honors Romania”, developed under the title „More than beer. From cereals to glass – synergies and challenges”.

The retailers in Romania are waiting an increase of sales between 60% and 200% at Black Friday 2022, than the period without discounts, from promotional campaigns sent through email and SMS, according to White Image data, the biggest company of email marketing on the local market.

Tazz started a study to analyze the trends about the household responsibilities of Romanians in cities, with accent on the behaviors and perceptions in relation with food at home.


Biosphere Corporation, with the support of Ukraine Embassy in Romania and of Elgeka-Ferfelis Romania, launched an international campaign of charity „Support Ukrainians” in Romania.

Romanian Association of Online Stores (ARMO) organized an event dedicated to the National Day of E-Commerce where the representatives of the Romanian sector of e-commerce and of the relevant public institutions and authorities reunited to celebrate one of the most dynamic and performant sectors of the Romanian economy.

GoTech World, the biggest event of IT & Digital in Central and Eastern Europe, is back this year in physical format with the 11th edition, on 3rd and 4th of November at Romexpo, B1 Pavilion.

retailArena, one of the most important event in the retail industry, organized by and, is taking place this year on 1st and 2nd of November, at Crowne Plaza hotel in Bucharest.

The 6th edition of Slow Coffee Festival took place in two days on 29th and 30th of October 2022, stat Senat Galleries – Combinatul Fondului Plastic, in Bucharest, and had in its structure: the National Competition of Aeropress, workshops and presentations for the ones that want to open a coffee shop or want to specialize in this domain, an exhibition zone reach in products based on coffee and equipment and many surprises for the visitors.

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