Romanian FMCG Retail – For all our readers abroad, these are the most important news from Romanian FMCG Retail Market and FMCG industry, in December 2023, provided by, the most read B2B publication in online, in Romania, from retail & FMCG niche. launched EXPO RETAIL 2024 – Digital, Green & Tech, the third edition of the professional fair dedicated to technology, equipment, solutions and services for retail, eCommerce and FMCG industry, that will take place on 25th and 26th of September 2024 at Polytechnic University of Bucharest, on 1500 sqm and almost 50 available stands. The exhibition gathers in these two days in the same place exhibitors from Romania and other countries, acquisition specialists and other professionals in the industry.
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EXPO PET 2023 – Food & Accessories, the first B2B exhibition with products from food and accessories for pets categories in Romania, that will take place on 26th-27th of June 2024, the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, announced new partners and exhibitors.
Retail – PENNY
PENNY Romania continued the alert pace of expansion plan and opened a new store in Segarcea, Dolj district, a new store in Dobroesti, a new store in Barlad, a new store in Floresti-Stoenesti and eight new stores in many other cities in Romania, reaching 371 stores.
Retail- Kaufland
Kaufland Romania launched a new innovative project, made with the help of AI technology.
Kaufland Romania opened the first store in Bucharest with an urban mini-forest, planted on a surface of 1500 sqm in the parking of the new hypermarket.
Kaufland Romania had an accelerated rhythm of investment in sustainability projects in 2022.
Retail – Carrefour
After a strong route in Carrefour Romania‘s team, after three years, Julien Munich is named as Chief Operating Officer in Carrefour France, starting with January 2024. On the transition period, Laurent Vallée, General Secretary of Carrefour Group and CEO for the North region of Europe, will provide the interim for Romania.
Strategic naming in Carrefour Romania: Narcis Horhoianu, Marketing Manager, Member in Executive Committee of Carrfeour Romania, responsible of Marketing departments, Customer Care, Research, PR and Pricing, expanded its activity domain, taking over the e-Commerce area.
Carrefour Romania reached 162 Express units at national level in 2023, by opening 22 new stores in 9 cities.
Retail – Profi
Profi store network launched a manifest campaign „How much does the soul weighs”, to list the CSR projects supported in 2023 by the retailer and to inspire people to an active implication in key domains – Health, Education, Environment, Sport, Culture, Community and Innovation.
Retail – Auchan
Auchan Retail Romania continued to invest in its transition to green energy.
Retail – other retailers
In October 2023, Veranda Mall celebrated 7 years in Obor community, 7 years in which the commercial center got involved not only as a Mall, but as a promoter of growth and support for the local development through the projects dedicated to Obor zone. About what does Veranda to develop the zone and what it has to offer to the entire Obor community we talked with Andrei Pogonaru, Owner Representative Veranda Mall, in an interview for publication.
Officially represented in Romania, starting with 2023, by Inter Conecter – the company from Timisoara specialized in over 20 years in coffee, sweets and premium food products import, Zozole range of products, owned by Mieszko Polish producer, had an explosive and effervescent evolution on Romanian market, especially because of digital campaign and outdoor ads.
Delaco Distribution SA, part of the French group Savencia Fromage & Dairy, one of the biggest producer of cheese specialties in the world, takes over the distribution of the dairy premium brand Elle & Vire Professionel in Romania, starting with the 1st of January 2024.
PepsiCo, one of the leaders in the food products and beverages industry, announced an investment of 13 millions dollars in installation of a last generation fully automated production line, located in the beverages factory from Dragomiresti.
Bakery School Romania Association and Vellant Publishing House announced a supporting partnership for professional highschool education that is decreasing in Romania in the last 20 years and started the campaign „You support bakery and confectionary, we give you what to read!”
Food Service
Bolt Food introduced the function for programmed delivery, that permits its clients to place orders with 3 days advance from restaurants or in Bolt Market, for food and non-food products.
Nespresso opened the first selling point in Constanta, in Vivo Mall, and the 10th in Romania, expanding the selling points network in the South-Eastern of Romania.
GreenWEEE, leader on the market of recycling waster of electric and electronic equipment, finalized the third recycling factory of this waste.
At the final of 2023, Glovo, multi-category platform that offers access to a big variety of products, presented an analysis of its consumers preferences in the last year.
Bringo Romania, the first Romanian platform dedicated to personalized online shopping and quick delivery, introduced Bringo Mall, an available services in premiere on the e-commerce and e-grocery market in Romania.
Macromex, leader in the industry of frozen food products, accelerated the digitization process with VTEX, after positive results obtained with the migration on the new platform.
Sameday, the courier company that introduces easybox delivery in Romania, registered remarkable results in the Black Friday 2023 campaign. Sameday opened easybox network for people who want to send packages, through the new service SAMEDAY easyway.
CloudCart, the professional platform of eCommerce-as-a-service, launched an innovative AI solution, available for all the 1600 clients – online sellers from 7 countries, including Romania, in which the company activates.
Footprints AI partnered with Danubius, the main supplier of Datecs cash registers in Romania, and launched the Retail Media network with the biggest geographical coverage in Romania, opening, in premiere, the SMEs access at Footprints AI technology.
Infinite IT Solutions is prepared to guide companies to adopt quickly and efficiently RO e-Factura solution, that is mandatory from 1st of January 2024.
Green Point Management, leader on the market of the organizations that implement the obligations for expanded liability of the producers in Romania (OIREP), launched the 5th Sustainability report, with the environment and sustainability results from 2022.
Cargus launched in premiere the first eCommerce platform on the courier market in Romania – SIGN & GO.
Zafit, entrepreneurship company from Iasi that offers services for offices and commercial spaces arrangements, registered an increase of the market share of 90% in 2023 than the last year, until over 1.2 millions euro.
In November 2023, in grocery retail in Romania were opened 36 stores, in this account entering just the stores opened and officially released by the retailers.
Coffee has a strong global influence. After water, coffee is the most popular drink in the world, over 2 billions cups of coffee are enjoyed every day in the world, according to Romanian Association of Coffee.
According to the monitoring analysis made by mediaTRUST between 1st and 30th of November 2023, supermarkets dominated the market of ads investments in radio, TV and written press: Kaufland, Penny, Lidl, Carrefour, Profi, in top 10.
The data published by NielsenIQ showed that the FMCG sector is confronting with a continuous decrease of volume manifested in hypermarkets and traditional commerce (-5.4%, respectively -4.0% in volume, in the last 12 months).
Than other countries with similar surfaces, Romania produced wine, in 2022, a third of what Chile produced and more than a half of what produced Portugal.
According to a study made by Mars, half of the people from Romania’s cities have pets and the number is increasing.
E-commerce increases in Romania according to National Statistics Institute published in the report „Population access to information technology and communications in 2023”, analyzed by ARMO.
On 15th of November 2023 took place at Sheraton Hotel the 9th edition of ESOMAR Connect ROMANIA 2023, local conference of market research industry.
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