Romanian FMCG Retail – The most important news from August 2021

Romanian FMCG Retail – For all our readers abroad, these are the most important news from Romanian FMCG Retail Market and FMCG industry, in August 2021, provided by, the most read B2B publication in online, in Romania, from retail & FMCG niche.

 B2B Meetings  – the platform which are connecting retail companies with potential retail equipment and services providers

retailRetail – Lidl

Lidl continued to invest in Romania by opening a new store in Bucharest, on 5th of August, two new stores in Bucharest and Stefanesti on 12th of August, a new store in Borsa on 19th of August, and two new stores in Bistrita and Brad on 26th of August, ending the month with 304 stores.

Retail – PENNY

At the beginning of summer, we had the pleasure to talk with Daniel Gross, CEO PENNY Romania, one of the food retailers with an important activity in Romania, with whom we have had a very open discussion, especially related to sustainability.

Retail – cora

cora developed the service cora Express by launching a new partnership with tazz, the home delivery platform owned by eMAG. cora customers from Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Constanța, Bacău, Drobeta and Ploiești will have quick access, starting with August 6, 2021, to over 4,000 essential products in the physical hypermarket, which are listed in the tazz application.

Retail – Profi

The new Profi, the store concept presented for the first time to the public on September 2020, is extending in the country, as the store from Savarsin reopened in the new concept, Profi LOCO.

Profi, the retailer that owns the network with the biggest national coverage and with the most stores in Romania, opened in august 2021 a number of 9 stores.

Retail – other retailers

The retail parks in Romania have been more resilient in the pandemic than malls, the market share of the companies that own these properties decreasing through 2020 with 9,5% against a setback of 20,6% in case of malls, according to an analysis of Cushman & Wakefield Echinox, that calculated the financial results of over 60 modern retail projects.


All the products from Familia Toneli brand, leader on the production and distribution market of eggs for consume, are wearing the Nutri-Score label, the independent system of labeling, that classifies the food products based on nutritional information.

Ballantine’s launched on the Romanian market the new and sweeter version – Ballantine’s 7 Bourbon Barrel Finish, a whisky produced after the Scottish tradition, aged 7 years in oak barrels and rested in bourbon barrels.

VARTA, technologic leader in batteries production, is donating 1 RON to Brico Dépôt Foundation at every battery blister sold, in the campaign VARTA Helps.

The Romanian Brewers Association, the commune voice of the local beer industry, continued the campaign of celebrating beer with a new step #BerePeBune and with the message  „Together we dismantle the myths about beer”.

Bergenbier S.A, part of the group Molson Coors Beverage Company – one of the most important company on the beer market in Romania -launched the Sustainability Report for 2020 that shows the progress obtained in realizing the objectives of Our Beer Imprint 2025 to contribute to people, environment and community protection.

Klintensiv, one of the most important players on the market of disinfectants in Romania, that offers since 2011 professional products of cleaning, self care products and disinfectants for sanitary units, retail HoReCa, food industry and office buildings, launched KlinAll, a new brand of disinfectants for the household consumer.

Food Service

Nespresso opened a new boutique in AFI Cotroceni and revealed a unique experience for the coffee lovers.

Wu Xing, promoter of Chinese kitchen in delivery system since 1999, repositioned the restaurant after over 20 years from the opening and is meeting the clients with Asian food products meant to take the people from Bucharest in a monthly gastronomic trip to the farthest places in Asia.

Starting with august, 5 to go extended its operations in retail by launching the first line of products developed special for this segment.


The technology company 2Performant, leader on the affiliate marketing market in Romania, listed on the AeRO market of BVB (2P symbol), launched in its affiliated marketing platform, in premiere for our country, AliExpress, one of the biggest online marketplaces in the world, with over 100 millions of products from over 200.000 sellers with delivery in over 200 countries.

Carrefour and Bringo consolidated their partnership by launching a new service model, the one of quick delivery in Bucharest and Iasi and by extending to new delivery zones, respectively Mangalia, Craiova and Resita.


Increasing the transport cost of goods from China, both by air and rail, but especially by sea, represented the biggest challenge of the last year for all the companies present in the domain, a thing experimented also by ROMASIA, active player of over 12 years on the market.

To digitize, automate and secure the transfer of documents in relation to suppliers, DIANA Stores network chose to use the Electronic Data Interchange type of platform Expert Supplier, a technology implemented by the Romanian company Expert Software.

Lactalis Romania, leader on the dairy market with the brands Albalact, Covalact and Dorna Lactate, chose the Vodafone solution of Business Intelligence for planning, optimizing and monitoring the daily routes of delivery of the products to the trading points.


In July 2021, in grocery retail in Romania were opened 21 stores, in this account entering just the stores opened and officially released by the retailers.

The majority of General Managers in Romania (85%) planned increases of investments in digital transformation, in the next three years, according to the CEO Survey 2021, made by PwC Romania.


The main conclusions of the study made by Reveal Marketing Research on the theme of Romanians behavior about cosmetics products with SPF.

Romanians from urban environment are consumers of cold meats and are reading the labels of the products before acquiring them, showed the recent study from iSense Solutions.

The biggest stress factor for Romanians is reintroducing some restrictions for the new wave of Covid-19, according to a study made by #RomaniaDeschisa, a platform of tripartite dialogue, created by Cristian China-Birta.

According to the recent study made by Reveal Marketing Research, 43% of Romanians declare that they cook everyday or almost everyday and 14% say that they are ordering food with delivery at home 2-3 times a week.


GoTech World (previously names Internet & Mobile World), a manifesto of digitalization addressed to the entire business ecosystem in the Central and Eastern Europe, will take place this year in the period 10-11 of November 2021, online, on the platform MyConnector.

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