Romanian Grocery Retail – The most important news from February 2019

Romanian Grocery Retail – For all our readers abroad, these are the most important news from Romanian Grocery Retail Market, in February 2019, provided by, the most read B2B publication in online, in Romania, from retail & FMCG niche.

grocery retail fmcgRetail

Kaufland Romania, leader on retail market, obtained for the fourth consecutively year „Top Employer” certification in Romania and, for the first time, the title of „Top Employer” in Europe.

The retailer launched in february 2019 The Kaufland Card, a new loyalty program of the retailer, that rewards loyal customers with substantial discounts, bonus points for loyalty and numerous benefits.

Also in february 2019, Kaufland Romania opened a store in Bacau, the national network reaching 121 units. Kaufland opened insite Barbu Vacarescu store from Bucharest the first beauty shop of the network at international level, caled K Beauty.

Also in february 2019, Kaufland retailer announced the increasing of the minimum income for commercial workers from store to 3.300 lei gross and upgraded the benefits package for employees.

Credit foto: Shutterstock

After Romania Hypermarche, the operator of Cora hypermarkets network in Romania, announced that will challange in court the sanction of Competition Council, Auchan Retail announced that will do the same thing.

20 MyAuchan convenience stores in Romania

OMV Petrom and Auchan Retail Romania want to expend the partnership for opening the MyAuchan proximity stores in Petrom stations. Also, Auchan Retail Romania opened the first MyAuchan convenience store in Cluj-Napoca, network which reached 20 units.

Horia Brenciu, singer, actor, producer, TV presenter and entertainer became the new ambassador of PROFI retailer, after a partnership signed at the begining of the year.

Lidl opened 3 new stores in Romania, in Calafat, Dolj district, Carei, Satu-Mare district, and in Husi, Vaslui district, reaching 245 units in Romania.

Cora Romania gave some declarations about the development plans of the company, through Thierry Destailleur, CEO Cora Romania, invalidating the rumors that the cora network from Romania will be sold.

Carrefour Romania concentrated the attention on digital transformation, in the context in which the commerce becomes an equation based on technology.


AGRICOLA Group registered in 2018 a total fiscal value of almost 737,223 mil. lei.

It is a family company in Ardeal, in Tarnovita from Harghita district, whose foundress, Biro Jolan, trusts in tradition values, in day to day work of people of their hometown and of products created with soul. It is about IoliMex company, a sauces factory with traditional, natural recipes, that are originated from Biro Jolan’s grandmother, a housewife that experimented with passion various concarated local recipes.

Amigo & Intercost is one of the biggest regional distributors of beverages and food products and is the operator of the network of 13 stores in Harghita, a business that has behing a fascinating story and that purposed to remain the reference distribution company from Central-Eastern region of Romania.

The Competition Council authorized the transaction through which Central Bottlings Company Ltdthe owner f Tuborg in Romania, acquired from Molkerei Alois Muller GmbH & CO KG the holding owned at the capital of Muller Dairy Ro SRL.

TerraBisco company launched 4×4 Crackers on the field, that combines perfectly the two needs: nutrition and taste.

Domaine Vinarte, founded in 2016, by taking over Vinarte SA patrimony, reported a fiscal value of 10, millions lei in 2018, representing an increase of 10% compared to 2017.

Coca-Cola HBC Romania published the Sustainability Report for 2016-2017 period, that is documenting the progress made in implementation of sustainable practices in all the processes and operations, both in consumrs, employees, clients and providers relationship and in environment protection and in sustaining the local communities.

Farmec, the biggest romanian cosmetics producer, finished 2018 with a fiscal value of 236, millions lei (50,8 millions euro) and registered a increase of 10% than the financial results from 2017.

PepsiCo Romania has been designated for the second time as numer 1 Top Employer in Romania, being recognised for the sixth year consecutively for exceptional working conditions ofered to the employees.


Mega Image announced changes at executive commitee that took place after Mircea Moga took over the managemnt of the company.

Ursus Breweries completed the executive team and announced three new Vicepresidents for HR, Marketing and Technical Department: Zuzana Balejová, Marek Dvořák and Guy Van Geel.


Social Media Summit, an event organised at national level by Biz Events and Biz Magazine, has built in over 20 editions a comunity of over 2000 professionals in communication from companies and PR agencies, marketing people and influencers, who meet annually to find the answer to a simple question: how can Social Media help brands?

The registration for this year for the „Votat Produsul Anului” competition, an international competition that awards the innovative products, including FMCG products, were opened until 28th of February.


Robert Trandafir, Head of Strategy & Cofounder at Gun Media, a performant digital marketing agency, offered some strategies that can be implemented and are appropriate to retail & FMCG companies.

NETOPIA Payments, the biggest electronic payment processor in Romania, announced the investment in SupplyBlockchain start-up, B2B platform of SaaS type, that brings transparency in  logistics networks using blockchain technology to register exactly the dtae and the location of fizical prducts.


In Romania, throughout the 2018 year, the volume of fiscal value in retail (except the commerce with cars and motorcycles) increased compared to 2017 both as gross series by 5,4% and as adjusted series by number of working days and sezonality with 5,7%, according to National Institute of Satistics.

The Z Generation (young people with ages between 18 and 24 years) is the most interested in social involvement of the companies in communities and romanian social problems.

In January 2019, usualy the month with the fewest store openings in the year, in grocery retail in Romania were opened 16 stores, in this account being included just the openings comunicated by the retailers.

FMCG market in Romania registered in 2018 n increase of 5,7% than in 2017, according to GfK study results.

Romanian Grocery Retail

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