Romanian FMCG Retail – The most important news from July 2021

Romanian FMCG Retail – For all our readers abroad, these are the most important news from Romanian FMCG Retail Market and FMCG industry, in July 2021, provided by, the most read B2B publication in online, in Romania, from retail & FMCG niche.

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retailRetail – Lidl

Marco Giudici will take the position of CEO of Lidl Romania starting with 1st of November 2021, following the departure of the former CEO, Frank Wagner.

Foto Credit

Lidl continued the investment in Romania by opening a new store in Chisineu-Cris, Arad district, on 15th of July 2021, and one in Oradea, and the national network reached 299 units.

Retail – Auchan

Starting with July, the orders from the online store or from the Auchan app can be picked up, through the free service Click&Collect, also from MyAuchan stores network from Petrom stations.

With the occasion of National France Day, Auchan introduced in the stores offer over 100 products and French authentic products, the most popular between clients being sweets from France and one of the most known French beverages.

Retail – Profi

Profi, the retailer that owns the network with the largest national coverage and with the most stores in Romania, inaugurated in July 2021 a number of 11 stores, openings with which the retailer exceeds the threshold of 1,500 stores nationwide.

Profi also repositioned as store format. Profi reposition itself as a store that simplifies your life through offers that you enjoy, under the motto „low daily prices”.

Profi officially launched the program „Fresh products from us”, through which Profi facilitates farmers in Romania to access the network of stores and also it offers to the clients Romanian vegetables and fruits of the best quality, healthy guarranteed.

Retail – Mega Image

Mega Image consolidates the financial team by recruiting Razvan Munteanu as Chief Financial Officer (CFO), who is going to take part of Executive Committee of Mega Image and of the Financial Management team of Ahold Delhaize Europe.

Retail – Kaufland

Kaufland continued to invest in Romania and opened a store in Voluntari, Ilfov district, reaching 144 hypermarkets at national level. The retailer also launched Vocalio, mobile app dedicated to the improvement of communication process for people with deficiency of talking or hearing.

Retail – Selgros

Selgros Cash & Carry Romania supports for the fourth year the dual education program School of Books and Crafts for forming future professionals in retail.

Retail – METRO

To encourage Romanian tourism and to come in the support of those who have in plan this year to program a vacation in Romania, METRO Cash & Carry launched in premiere an original publication, entitled „Romania – Travel Guide”.

Retail – PENNY

PENNY discounter continued its expansion plan in Romania by opening a new store in Stefanestii de Jos, Ilfov district. Thus, the PENNY network reaches a total of 284 stores in Romania.

Retail – Carrefour

Carrefour Romania named Vincent Arnault in the role of Acquisitions and Supply Chain Manager. With over 15 years of experience in sales and acquisitions, with taking over the new role, Vincent will also hold the position of member of the Executive Committee of Carrefour Romania.

Retail – other retailers

IULIUS Group continued the investment projects of developing the concepts of Family Market retail designed to the communities in expansion, in Iasi district.


URSUS, the king of beer in Romania and the first label of Romanian beer labeled Premium after 1900s, made one of the most important changes in the last 20 years. This year, URSUS comes with a complete change of packaging, a new visual identity and a new communication platform.

This summer, Havana Club launched on the Romanian market Havana Club Cuban Spiced, the first authentic Cuban rum enriched with tropical flavors from the brands portfolio.

Aquila, the leader of the market of FMCG distribution and logistics at national level, completed a success of the integration process of Agrirom company, specialized in the distribution of food products in a controlled temperature regime.

Unilever, one of the main global suppliers that sale FMCG, known for its implication in promoting a sustainable lifestyle, launched at national level the promotional campaign From today you have green for good deeds, supported by all the labels with tradition from Unilever with the occasion of celebrating 30 years since the first products of the company entered on the Romanian market.


Managis Bio, the national importer and distributor of food products and ecological cosmetics, launched, an online platform of B2B sales, that addresses to independent merchants, online stores and any other companies that want to acquire ecological products in big quantities and in special commercial conditions.

Glovo, one of the most important players in the world on delivery zone from many categories, launched Glovo Express and opened the first Micro Fulfillment Center (MFC) in Romania, in Bucharest.

Mega Image and eMAG, announced that, starting with 30 of July 2021 will terminate the partnership by mutual agreement started 8 years ago, each will focus the efforts to develop their own projects in eCommerce, to have a strong acceleration in the last year.

Food Service

The orders and quick delivery platform foodpanda announced that it is delivering products on the beaches from North Mamaia and Navodari, directly at the tourist’s chairs.

AmRest, one of the biggest European platforms of restaurants and food services, celebrated the opening of the eighth Burger King restaurant in Romania. Also, AmRest opened the first Burger king restaurant in Brasov.

Between 30 and 31 of July 2021, KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell launched new opportunities of hiring in the restaurants from Bucharest by organizing a job fair.

Employers’ Organization of Hotels and Restaurants in Romania – HORA Romania – presented the results of the study about the impact in economy and in financial situations of the active companies in 11 sectors in HoReCa industry.


The continuous monitoring of household consume and shopping behavior in Romania will get to another level, by doubling the sample of GfK Consumer Panel, from 3000 to 6000 households, from January 2022.

Sameday, one of the leaders on the courier market, celebrated 14 years from the founding and entered in a new stage of maturity, the company searching for international development.

The online billing platform Smartbill and Visa, global leader in digital payments domain, support the digitalization of SMEs in Romania by accepting payments directly with card on the bill.

Yload, the start-up that created the first marketplace of transports of merchandise in Eastern Europe, obtained in just a few hours 220.000 euro of 250.000 euro targeted on the online investment platform SeedBlink.

Glovo, one of the most important players in the world on delivery zone from many categories, reached the threshold of 50,000 subscribers for its service Prime, at almost one year from launching on the Romanian market.


In June 2021, in grocery retail in Romania were opened 20 stores, in this account entering just the stores opened and officially released by the retailers.

The Competition Council analysis four digital districts, at Romanian level, to evaluate the characteristics and the impact that they have on the competition.

The Competition Council analyzed the transaction through which Glovo intentions to take over foodpanda company and, indirectly, Pandamart business, operated by Delivery Hero.


Over three quarters of Romanian women allocate monthly between 100 lei and 500 lei for the acquisition of cosmetic products and for the selfcare routine, according to a study, one of the most important online stores for women, with regional presence, in Romania, Hungary and Bulgary.

The Food 2020 Barometer, a study coordinated by Edenred in 20 countries, including Romania, indicating an accelerated increase of the online order of food and of the payments with food card at restaurants, and also maintaining the interests for a balanced diet in the pandemic.

Romanians consider that introducing the System Guarantee-Return (SGR)at national level will determine adopting new habits more responsible for the population about recycling plastic, glass and metal packages, according to a study made by Alliance of Beverages Producers, through Kantar Romania.

Reveal Marketing Research developed a study about Romanian perception about innovation and modernity.

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