Romanian FMCG Retail – The most important news from March 2022

Romanian FMCG Retail – For all our readers abroad, these are the most important news from Romanian FMCG Retail Market and FMCG industry, in March 2022, provided by, the most read B2B publication in online, in Romania, from retail & FMCG niche.

Invitation to EXPO DIY 2022 – Smart Green Home (June 29-30, 2022), for buyers from the DIY, Home Improvement & Gardening categories, an exhibition organised by publication, focusing on ecological solutions and products that will take place in Bucharest.

Book a stand until April 15, 2022 and benefit from a 10% discount.

retailRetail – Carrefour

The first Carrefour hypermarket from Craiova will be opened at the final of the next year in the new commercial center Promenada Mall Craiova, build by NEPI Rockcastle, the biggest investor and developer of commercial centers in Central and Eastern Europe.

Rompetrol Downstream signed a partnership  with Carrefour Romania to implement a pilot project that aims to open Carrefour Express proximity stores in hei zone of Rompetrol stations.

Carrefour Romania consolidated the Property and Expansion teams, in the context in which supporting physical footprint remained a strategic objective in 2022, as a pillar for the omnichannel model.

Carrefour Romania developed a test project in partnership with AiSA start-up (Artificial Intelligence Space Analytics), a participant that the retailer mentored last year at Innovation Labs.

Retail – Lidl

Lidl opened a new store in Botosani on 7th of March 2022 and in Turnu Magurele on 14th of March, reaching a national network of 322 stores.

Lild Romania offered Ukrainian refugees positions that don’t require experience and knowing Romanian language.

Retail – Auchan

BeeFast, the tech start-up of ultra-quick courier, continued the strategy of expansion to new market segments, passing in the second phase of the partnership launched with Auchan Retail Romania.

After one year from launching the loyalty program, Auchan announced that 1 million Romanians became members of MyCLUB Auchan, a program that offer clients discounts on the spot in physical and online stores, the possibilities to get bonuses on card and personalized offers.

Retail – Kaufland

Kaufland Romania announced a new measure through which extends the support for refugees.

Kaufland Romania and the Foundation for the Development of Civil Society launched the first appeal for projects in 2022 in the program „In Good Mood”.

Kaufland Romania opened a new hypermarket in Husi, Vaslui district, reaching 152 stores in Romanian martket.

Retail – PROFI

PROFI, the retailer that owns the network with the largest national coverage and with the most stores in Romania, inaugurated in March 2022 a number of 4 stores. In addition, the retailer is relaunching its mobile application, available from March 31, 2022.

PROFI, with the official announce of authorities about lifting anti-COVID restrictions in Romania, announced that Profi stores marched with 24/7 symbol came back to the normal program, respectively non-stop program.

PROFI signed the first labor contracts with Ukrainian refugees and announced that all the jobs opened by the retailer will be available also for Ukrainians.

Retail – PENNY

PENNY continued the expansion plan by opening a new store in metropolitan zone of Suceava town, Moara village, Suceava district. With this opening, the discounter reaches a network of 307 stores nationwide.


Schwarz Group, of which take part Lidl and Kaufland, present in Romania, donated goods in value of 10 millions euro, a quick help for Ukraine.

On 2nd of March 2022, at ANPC headquarters took place a working meeting between the management of the institution – represented by ANPC President, Horia Constantinescu, General Manager Paul Anghel and the representatives of the member companies AMRCR – The Association of the Biggest Commercial Networks in Romania, intended to ensure the optimal function of retail operations.


Aquila, leader on the market of integrated services for distribution and logistics, registered a net profit of 68 millions lei until 31st of December 2021, an increase of 24% than in 2020.

BASF Agricultural Solutions Romania, one of the biggest suppliers of the local market of products for plants protection, launched the 7th edition of the competition ”Stories with Romanian Wines”.

Tuborg Romania is beside the refugees that want to build a new life in Romania, offering a new job and the possibility to have where to live.

Letca, the biggest organic vegetable glass greenhouse in Romania, situated in Letca village, Giurgiu district, continued the series of sustainable actions that are focused on protecting environment and reducing the company’s carbon footprint, and introduced for its products 100% recyclable packages, a guarantee for consumers and retail partners.

Heineken launched the new and only virtual beer, Heineken Silver.

Henkel launched GLISS AQUA REVIVE, the new innovative range of hair care, with a formula based on seaweed and hyaluronic acid.

Golden Food Snack SA, one of the main players on the FMCG market in Romania, announced that starting with January 2022, PepsiCo Romania became the distributor of Elmas, for sunflower seed products, different types such as black, variegated, white, pumpkin seeds, peanuts, pistachios, cashews and almonds.

Food Service

Roweb, Romanian company of end-to-end software services, invested over 150.000 euro in the development of an integrated solution for restaurants, aiming the increase of online sales of businesses from HoReCa.

Sphera Franchise Group, the operator in franchise system of Taco Bell restaurant on local market, opened a new restaurant in Constanta.

Sphera Franchise Group, the operator in franchise system of KFC, extended the portfolio of restaurants, and opened a new restaurant in Bucharest as part of the development strategy for 2022.

Sterling Cruise will launch in Romania Popeyes american brand and announced the opening of the first restaurant on 9th of April, in Baneasa Shopping City.


Over 5.500 clients of eMAG in all over the country donated to support the population severely affected by the armed conflict in Ukraine after the first 20 hours from the opening of the donations platform.

sezamo online supermarket, part of the European group Rohlik, that will be launched this spring, announced that will create almost 1000 jobs in the first year on Romanian market. sezamo announced that will launch the services supported by a fleet of electric delivery cars. sezamo announced introducing reusable bags for orders deliveries, out of concern for the environment and to encourage sustainable consumer behavior.

Bringo Romania joined the concentrated efforts to support Ukrainian refugees and launched Donations category in the app, where users can financially support civic initiatives to help them.


RetuRO Sistem Garantie Returnare S.A. submitted to the Environment Ministry the necessary documents to to get the accreditation to manage the future guarantee-return system in Romania.

The market share of the postal and courier services market in Romania advanced with 19% than in 2019 and exceeded with 136% the level from 2011, reaching 6,4 billions lei in  2020, according to the most recent analysis made by KeysFin.

Starting with March 2022, Marian Balan was named CEO of Instore Power Provider (IPP), leader on the local market of retail marketing.

SmartBusiness, a Romanian company that activated over 15 years on the market of integrate software solutions, will launch on 16th of April 2022, SmartBusiness – a tool of marketing which aims to revolutionize the customer journey for retailers and online stores.

Postis, the first digital platform in Romania for management and automation and delivery optimization, launched Parcely, the first integrated app of Track & Trace designed to final shoppers.

eSolutions, a Romanian company of technology, that develop integrated, complex and safe solutions, with accent on improving business processes that stand in the back of the software, is one of the technology creators who build, implement and develop Big data solutions for key verticals of market, including retail & FMCG sector, using microservices architectures for stable and scalable apps.

BeeFast, a tech start-up of ultra-quick delivery, managed, in two years of activity, to attract a finance of 500.000 euro and to sign contracts with main players in big retail.

Analysis identified a series of actions that we can do in retail & FMCG domain and of opportunities for our country that this current conflict might give.

In february 2021, in grocery retail in Romania were opened  30 stores, in this account entering just the stores opened and officially released by the retailers.

AHK Romania raised an alarm and announced that there will be serious repercussions on the Romanian economy after the last decision of the Parliament.


The smallest price of oil registered din March was 3,69 lei/litre, while the biggest price registered was 11.29 lei/litre, according to the data from Prices Monitor, a tool managed by Competition Council.


Bucharest Tech Week, the festival that transforms Bucharest in the international town of technology, will return between 14th-19th of June 2022 with a spectacular edition in hybrid format, that will bring again in the center of the city the newest gadgets and innovations in tech domain, and the latest digital solutions specially created to contribute at the development of businesses an to help make everyday work easier.

With a tradition of 17 years, GPeC is considered the most important series of E-Commerce and Digital Marketing events in Romania.

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