Romanian FMCG Retail – For all our readers abroad, these are the most important news from Romanian FMCG Retail Market and FMCG industry, in March 2021, provided by, the most read B2B publication in online, in Romania, from retail & FMCG niche.
Retail – Kaufland
Starting with March, Kaufland Romania introduced the new eco-friendly and durable receipt. Kaufland Romania updated the benefits package for the company’s employees and offered holiday vouchers that can be used for buying travel services in Romania.
Shortly after opening the store from Ungheni, Kaufland Moldova continued the expansion plans and opened, on 11th of March 2021, the fifth store in Republic of Moldova – in Comrat City on Lenina Street no. 99.
Kaufland Romania, a Top Employer that strongly supports diversity and equal opportunities, launched the first social hackathon organised by the company, under the slogan „Contribute. Code. Integrate. Assure the access of people with disabilities on the labor market”.
Kaufland Romania launched Carmangeria Gourmet, a premium concept of meat products section, opened exclusively in the store from Barbu Vacarescu.
Retail – Auchan
Auchan extended its delivery services through a partnership with Takeaway platform.
As a major distributor with direct influence on the household consumption, Auchan Retail engaged to fight against pollution with plastic, the main aim set for the next years being the replacement of the packages of the private label products with 100% reusable materials, recycled and compostable.
Auchan and Decathlon retailers launched a partnership through which an equipment and sports articles range from Decathlon will be integrated in the offer of Auchan Hypermarkets in the country, in special zones dedicated to the sports products district.
Auchan Romania continued the sustainability actions and to encourage a responsible lifestyle implementing an ample collection program of clothing and footwear in 8 of the cities in which is present.
Retail – Lidl
Starting with March 2021, Lidl Romania introduced in its stores a new type of shopping receipt, more resistant and friendlier with the environment.
From 4th of March, Lidl started the campaign ”Skip the cooking hours. Ready. Ready to serve” dedicated to Chef Select, the private label of convenience products.
Lidl continued the investment in Romania by opening a new store in Hateg, Hunedoara district, on 11th of March, a store in Timisoara, one in Iasi and one in Orsova.
From 15th of March, Lidl Romania brought in the stores the Romanian Week, one of the most appreciated thematic weeks, dedicated to the traditional products made with local suppliers.
The newest series made by Lidl and Mullen Romania for Camara Noastra label, a Lidl’s private label dedicated to Romanian authentic taste, was made exclusively for Romania.
Retail – Profi
On the 4th of March 2021, Profi opened at Timisoara the first Profi City from the generation that brings the enhancements tested in the concept store in Ploiesti, a format known in the interior of the campaign under the name of Monaco.
Appeared experimentally 8 years ago, PROFI agent franchise stores are a real success, expanding rapidly: in May, last year, there were 200 units and at the beginning of this month their number was of 400.
Retail – Carrefour
Carrefour opened a new hypermarket in Transilvania region and the first from Sfantu Gheorghe, in the new commercial center Sepsi Value Center, a project developed by Prime Kapital.
A new Carrefour Express store is opened for the people from Iasi in Calea Galata no. 5-9, F3A block, adapted to the lifestyle and shopping style of those who live in the zone, offering a big range o fresh vegetables, BIO products and a zone in which there are found local wines part of the original Carrefour program, Opening The Romanian Wine, and other selected wines.
Retail – METRO Cash & Carry
METRO Cash & Carry Romania announced the official launch of METRO mobile app in Romania, a digital and modern alternative of the traditional METRO card, that aims to offer clients a more efficient shopping experience.
Retail – PENNY
PENNY discounter continued its expansion plans in Romania by opening a new store in Nasaud. PENNY reached 280 stores in Romania.
Retail – cora
cora Romania, part of the group Louis-Delhaize, took the decision to close the cora hypermarket in Baia Mare, starting with 4th of May 2021, at 11 years from opening it.
The new campaign from Pepsi was made exactly for its sugar free category: Pepsi Max is keeping its flavor also in the absence of sugar.
Inter Conecter, the company from Timisoara specialized for 21 years in the import of sweets and premium food products, proposed to the Romanian market a large range of ice cream and refined frozen desserts.
Lagardère Travel Retail opened a new coffee shop So!Coffee in the International Airport Avram Iancu from Cluj, at international departure terminal.
Bonduelle Romania also continued this year the campaign „Different school. Different lunch”, an educative project through which it promotes the consume of vegetables and healthy eating behaviors for children.
Toneli, leader on the market of eggs in Romania, launched the organic fertilizer, a natural fertilizer obtained from manure, from the hens raised in the Toneli farms in free range systems, ground and organic.
Tuborg Romania (URBB – United Romanian Breweries Bereprod), one of the biggest beer products on the local market, just relaunched the Skol beer, with a new product formula, with a new visual identity and with a range of packages with innovative elements.
Ursus Breweries became the first beer producer in Romania that received the Top Employers 2021 certificate from the Top Employers Institute, global authority that attests the excellence in human resources practices.
Alpin 57 Lux, one of the biggest companies producers of ice-cream in Romania, part of Food Union international group, started the ice-cream season with a series of news, and one of them is Transalpina ice-cream.
Farmec, the biggest Romanian producer of cosmetics, announced the financial results registered in 2020, a year marched by the pandemic, that affected all the industries and businesses at global level.
Food Service
In an extremely difficult period for HoReCa industry, DAbo Doner opened 4 restaurants in only one day.
Captain Bean, one of the most known and appreciated coffee shop network from Cluj-Napoca, opened a new coffee shop in Tulcea, being the first one in this town.
Sphera Franchise Group continued the expansion plans for the first trimester of the year and opened a new KFC restaurant in Sepsi Value Center, from Sfantu Gheorghe, Covasna district.
Premiere Restaurants Romania, the operator of McDonald’s restaurants network, launched MYM Rewards, a loyalty program dedicated to all the clients and available exclusively in the mobile app.
In October 2021, KFC Romania announced launching the first prototype of a touchless kiosk in the drive-thru restaurant KFC Oltenitei.
Accelerated by the pandemic, the e-commerce sector in Romania was estimated at 5,6 billions euro in 2020, according to the official data from GPeC and ARMO (The Romanian Association of Online Stores), with 30% more than in 2019.
eMAG entered into a new developing stage with an investment of over 3,2 billions lei in the nest 3 years to support the accelerated developing of the e-commerce and announced an evolution of the executive team, who will lead the expansion of the company at national level.
Profi Rom Food, the operator of Profi store network, extended the financial management team.
Orange Business Services (OBS), the B2B division of Orange Romania, offers business personalized solutions, based on technologies, enabling companies of all sizes and in all fields, including the FMCG and Logistics industry, to transform the organisations by using technologies and digital information.
Vectra Eurolift Services, national distributor of Yale label of equipment for handling and lifting goods, owns a wide portfolio of electric forklifts, projected to increase the productivity in the deposits.
RetailZoom, a company dedicated to data reporting o sales in the modern commerce through advanced business intelligence technology, expanded its services package by signing the collaboration contract with Kaufland Romania, starting with March 2021.
Romanian Business Consult (RBC) became the only shareholder of ROPECO Bucharest, consolidating its position as IT integrator leader, with a major expertise in retail and on the industrial automation market.
Visa launched in Romania an integrated platform designed to the small and medium companies, trough which they can access information about digital solutions available for their businesses, and can access special offers, to offer help to adapt at the new economic reality, generated by the pandemic impact.
Chill Pack is the company dedicated to brands that want to associate with good vibes, relaxation and happiness through which 100.000 professionals from the biggest companies receive from CV30 a gift bag full of gifts from the companies partners, that want to contribute at the well-being of professionals.
Brother Romania, the local representation of Brother Industries, one of the main producers of equipment and laser, thermal and inkjet printing solutions at global level, launched the new range of InkBenefit Plus color multifunction printers, created to offer a quick print at small costs to home users or from small offices.
Meal tickets, gifts – represented by gift cards from over 100 retailers in different industries, intern tourism – accessed through holiday vouchers, medical services – for employees and their relatives and private pensions (IIIrd pylon) are the main 5 flexible benefits chosen by the employees in 2020, according to the annual Benefit analysis, an Edenred company, on the industry of extra-salary benefits in Romania, being at the fourth edition.
95% of the Romanians from the urban environment consumes meat weekly, but 39% of them reduced their consume in the last 12 months, according to the NielsenIQ study ”The Romanian consumer of meat and meat products”.
NielsenIQ made a study in the city environment, with people between 18 and 55 years old that did online shopping in the last 3 months.
The brands that communicate the offers with the occasion of International Women’s Day are more appreciated by Romanians, according to a study made by Reveal Marketing Research.
In the context in which Romania is on the 13 place in the top of the biggest wine producers in the world and on the 6th place in Europe, according to the official estimations, Reveal Marketing Research proposed to investigate which is the wine consume scenery in our country.
A new study made by Mastercard, the brand known for connecting consumers to their passions, shows that Romanians turned their attention to the loved meals in the family, such as polenta, soup, beef salad, cabbage rolls and sweet bread.
According to the retail audit data of Nielsen, the food retail raised with 10% versus last year, Romania incresing more than the European average, where FMCG raised in sales with just 7.6% than in 2019.
In February 2021, in grocery retail in Romania were opened 31 stores, in this account entering just the stores opened and officially released by the retailers.
Inter Conecter, the company from Timisoara specialized for 20 years in the import of sweets and premium food products, hosted between 25-26 of February 2021 the first edition of the event Business Forum – Taste of Hungary, an international business event that aimed to develop the Romanian – Hungarian regional collaboration.
ecomTEAM 2021 – The New Normal in eCommerce, the conference dedicated to the eCommerce sector, will take place on 21st-22nd of April 2021, on the online platform IC Events, developed by the company InternetCorp.
The affiliated program becomes performance sport in the first competition dedicated to specialists in digital in Romania: Marketing National League.
For over 14 years, Digital Marketing Forum is the first source of know-how, inspiration and case studies for the community specialists in online promotion in Romania.
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