Romanian FMCG Retail – For all our readers abroad, these are the most important news from Romanian FMCG Retail Market and FMCG industry, in December 2020, provided by, the most read B2B publication in online, in Romania, from retail & FMCG niche., an exclusively online B2B project, dedicated to the FMCG retail, FMCG industry and eCommerce sector, celebrates 10 years of activity with a new online platform, faster, cleaner and more functional.
Retail – Profi
Profi, the retailer with the biggest national coverage in Romania, opened 22 stores in November 2020.
Credit foto: Shutterstock
Profi opened on 18th of December 2020 the last two stores on this year with which the national network reached 1.404 units.
Retail – METRO Cash & Carry
METRO Cash & Carry Romania announced that all the stores of the group, and the logistic platform One Roof, received the Dekra certification for trustful locations.
In the context of Covid-19, when the sales that brought this season for the HoReCa industry are not the ones expected, METRO launched at global level the campaign „Forget about cooking”, through which invited the consumers to order the holidays menu from a local restaurant, winning precious time near the family and the satisfaction to support local entrepreneurs.
METRO Romania developed also a local extension of this global initiative through which encouraged the restaurants to add in the menu right dishes for the festive dinners and the entrepreneurs that subscribed on benefited from the presence on the map of the restaurants that offer holidays menus and free promotion on digital environment and TV.
Retail – Mega Image
Mega Image started the audit process for the certification that confirms correct compliance and implementation of the best safe practices against COVID-19. The retailer obtained the Safe Guard certification after the audit made by Bureau Veritas that confirmed the correct compliance and implementation of the best safe practices against COVID-19 for all the spaces in which it develops the activity: central headquarters, Mega Image and Shop&Go stores and own deposits.
Mega Image announced that will offer to all the employees bonuses for winter holidays, as a sign of appreciation for the constant involvement, the work done and the extraordinary care for the colleagues, clients and partners, over such a difficult year.
Retail – Kaufland
Kaufland Romania opened on the 3rd of December 2020 at Targoviste the store number 136 of the national network, an investment through which it created over 100 new jobs and supported the local economy, opened the 137th store in Roman, Neamt district, and the 138th store in Sovata.
As a sign of appreciation for the constant involvement of the team and of gratitude for the efforts and solidarity demonstrated in an year full of challenges, for the holidays Kaufland Romania announced that all the employees received bonuses for Christmas.
In the eve of holidays, Kaufland Romania joined the program Our Big Day Out, one of the longest-lived volunteering program 100% in Romania, and donated 85.000 products for the packages which the volunteers prepare for the kids in the placement centers, elderly people in asylums, persons in risk situations and disadvantaged communities.
Retail – Lidl
This year also, Lidl implied actively its clients in supporting disadvantaged people, through organizing a new food collection campaign between 7 – 20th of December, in partnership with the network of Food Banks in the country.
Lidl continued the local investment by opening five new stores on 10th of December: one in Siret, Suceava, one in Gheorgheni, Harghita, three stores in Alba Iulia, Braila and Focsani and a store in Oravita.
Retail – Carrefour
TEX brand, available exclusively at Carrefour, started in Romanian the commitment for more sustainable fashion, with the launch of TEX Responsible, that includes a range of clothing and home articles, created to respect the nature and intended for the whole family.
Starting with October, Gabriela Stanica took over the position of Chief Information Officer in the IT & Digital Department of Carrefour.
Retail – cora
cora signed recently a partnership with the digital platform Postis, as part of the development strategy of the delivery strategy of the products which the clients order frequently online.
cora Romania introduces Virtual Reality – a virtual tour of the hypermarket, the solution for quick shopping dedicated to the ones that don’t have time for shopping, but prefer the traditional shopping.
cora hypermarkets were certified as being safe spaces for shopping from the point of view of the implementation of the measures to combat the spread of the new coronavirus.
Retail – PENNY
The expansion plan of PENNY Romania continued in December 2020 by opening seven new stores in six districts in Romania.
Retail – Selgros
Selgros Cash & Carry Romania, one of the most important players on the retail market in Romania, opened recently, in Chiajna, on the Bucharest ring road, a logistic platform of 10.000 mp through which will supply the stores with all the products that need a controlled temperature for storage: vegetable, fruits, delicacies, dairy products, sausage, fish and frozen products.
Retail – Auchan Retail Romania
Auchan Retail Romania announced that obtained the Safe Guard certification made by Bureau Veritas.
The retailer announced the implementation of the Auchan Drive service in 31 of the 33 hypermarkets of its national network.
Retail – other retailers
AFI Europe Romania named Roxana Stanciulescu in the position of Manager of the Retail Leasing Division. AFI Cotroceni the biggest mall in the country, opened in October and November new stores, as part of the strategy of developing the portfolio of the renters that operates on the mass market segment in the country.
OMV Petrom, the biggest integrated company of energy in South-Eastern Europe, opened the first modernized fuel station from Petrom network, in collaboration with Auchan Retail Romania, in a big modernization program of its network.
Concidering the winter holidays and the restrictions for preventing Covid-19, The Association of Large Commercial Networks in Romania – AMRCR supposed again to the attention of National Committee for Urgent Situations, in attention of Mr. Raed Arafat – State Secretary, Chief of the Department of Urgent Situations, the request that between 19-24th of December 2020 and 28-31st of December 2020, the program of the stores to be prolonged from the 21:00 hour until 22:00 hour.
Segafredo, the known Italian brand of coffee, will be present in Romania from the 1st of January 2021, through INTER CONECTER, the company from Timisoara specialized for 20 years in the import of sweets and premium food products.
For TOPGEL, the biggest Romanian producer of ice-cream and one of the most successful family businesses in Romania, 2020 was an unprecedented year with good results.
Toneli, leader on the market of consumer eggs in Romania, launched Toneli BIO Family from chickens raised in an ecological system, a natural product with many nutritional qualities and a plus of benefits for health, that completes the product portfolio of the company.
Ferrero launched the brochure designed exclusively for festive decorations for Christmas, an inspirational support with original ideas for holiday decoration, made with Ferrero specialties.
Food Service
Food & drink service market (standard restaurant, fast food, cafes, canteens, pubs etc.) will double in 2021 at 20 billions lei, double than 2020 and decreasing with 20% than 2019, according to the estimations of Hospitality Culture Institute.
Colosseum Mall will host next year two KFC restaurants.
Sphera Franchise Group closed the year reaching the expansion target announced at the beginning of the year and assumed in the current socio-sanitary conditions.
For supporting the restaurants in Romania, the online reservation platform ialoc launched a campaign of gift cards dedicated to the corporate environment through which encourages the acquisitions of gift vouchers for employees and business partners.
Despite the pandemic and the existents restrictions in HoReCa, Subway, the biggest chain of restaurants with quick serving in the world, continued the expansion, offering the clients a new restaurant under the concept Fresh Forward Décor, in Bistrita.
eMAG Marketplace launched the program „I want in all Romania – a little help for future big businesses” created with the purpose to offer support to offline retailers, that still don’t have a digital sale channel.
The online platform for food delivery launched a catering and food delivery service that offers to the companies in Romania the possibility to offer to their employees a new type of benefit: the digital meal allowance., online store of the Auchan Retail Romania, in which are available 25.000 products, from very different categories, from food and care products to clothes and electro & IT, entered the platform of affiliated marketing 2Performant from 10th of December 2020.
Mega Image continued the investment in e-commerce and launched its own quick delivery service for shopping through the app from online supermarket.
In the period of winter holidays, Farmec, the biggest Romanian cosmetics producer, met the needs of the consumers with advantaged promotions for the most appreciated products in the portfolio, gift boxes and dedicated services, available in the Farmec and Gerovital physical stores and in the online store
In the second part of 2019, Technoelectric, a company with romanian capital that produces electric panels and integrates systems for automation in the field of refrigeration installation, started a big project for the network stores Mega Image.
Coca-Cola HBC Romania, in partnership with The Social Incubator, non-governmental organization that supports social and professional integration of vulnerable people in Romania, launched, the first online platform of change of career path meant to help the ones that lost their jobs in the difficult context created by the pandemic COVID-19.
The Romanian company of technology 2Performant Network S.A., leader on the affiliated marketing market in Romania, officially entered on Bucharest Stock Exchange on 9th of December.
In November 2020, in grocery retail in Romania were opened 39 stores, in this account entering just the stores opened and officially released by the retailers.
Through the major transformations accelerated by the pandemic COVID-19 counts the digital adoption, the technology becoming, in these 8 months of pandemic, one of the main levers through which we managed to maintain the things in motion and to not remain completely blocked.
The wine market summed up approximatively 1,8 billions lei in 2019, the decrease being with 11,4& than in 2018, and in 2020 the trend continued, until a market share of almost 1,7 billions lei according to the estimations of Keysfin specialists.
The packages waste represents a valuable resource that permits material recovery, if it is respected the correct process of separation and assortment.
The Competition Council announced on 23rd of December 2020 that analysis the transaction through which the company Romanian Business Consult (RBC), supplier and integrator of IT solutions for retail and food industry, logistics, distribution and industrial production, takes over the company Ropeco Bucharest, the supplier of IT equipment and solutions, mainly in the field of cash management, but offers solutions in the management of recyclable materials, payment through cashless methods and solutions for scanning barcodes and labels.
The first Chamber of Commerce for Diversity in the world was created in Romania, its purpose being promoting diversity and inclusion principles in the business environment in the country, supporting Romanian businesses managed by minority groups or that are facing economic and social inequalities such as women, LGBT persons, gypsies, people with disabilities and other groups, and to put a bridge between the business environment and the civil society that fights for equal rights and social inclusion.
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